
Excellent linking of the Suzuki Nuda! One of the saddest never-made-it-to-production vehicles in history. My roots exist within 80's motorcycles, so the perfectly stereotypical 80's-futuristic look of them is perfectly awesome.

@Fat Tire: I'd like to slam her doors! /obligatory innuendo

"Yeah man, we can save money by putting the Civic in the back of a UHaul. It'll fit!"

Pretty sure I'm gonna own one of these as my next car. I like the size of them, pretty similar to my '00 Legacy, only significantly more entertaining to drive. I think the new sedan looks pretty damn good too.

Ah, the Smart. The single most inaccurately named car in the world. Next in line, the Plymouth Reliant!


@oddfish: The new Dacia Sendero comes complete with a set of clothing and a dog!


@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: Pretty much awesome. We used to have spotting contests of girls fitting this description at sports tournaments during high school.

I once put a head gasket in an '85 Plymouth Reliant (Coupe, with a sunroof!) simply to prove to my dad that he shouldn't have bought a newer car for my little brother to beat up. Over family dinner, I told him, "You're seriously spending almost $7000 on a car that will inevitably be destroyed by a 16 year old.

Ben, is there any way we can set up a poll of commenters to see what percentage of people condone or condemn this?

@87Integra: I concur. How many Sebring Vanguard Citicars could there possibly be roaming the streets of Illinois? Besides which, that spot is three times too big for a Citicar!

@Jono: Yes, you are correct. GDC started in '86 on the 750. One of my first bikes was an '85 VF500F, which received no changes in '86 except an aluminum frame and a different set of valvetrain hardware and carbs. I've always had a tendency to lump them all together because the Babyceptor is my favorite.

@Tanshanomi: Nice! I've got some friends who race now, did some corner volunteering a few years back. If only I could afford a track bike...

@Tanshanomi: I actually already posted BIR! I can only imagine you're involved with the CRA somehow?

@Tanshanomi: That's because it was a brand new 80's Honda. Too young for top end oiling issues, which were truly the only problem with that design. It still pains me that there are so few real V-4 sportbikes now.