
google stellarator, cool name, incredibly beautiful thing

that actually was a pretty cool story bro. cheers!

no dingus because 99.8% of all people who DO have climate relevant degrees insist climate change is real and we can see it fucking everywhere. to deny that is idiocy. stand down.

he can have an opinion, it just shouldnt be valued as highly as someone who is an expert.

because parents have these stupid opinions and cause their kids to have them too, and gay people kill themselves out of shame. those deaths are on people like this guy's hands.

or grimace and work to fix things as quickly as possible

as every single gay person ever knows, youre gay from earliest memory. so whatever happens has to involve some major rewiring of structures in the brain, which may or may not ever be maleable after the embryo stage. IF they are not modified from age 0 to age 3 or 4 when memory begins, then the effect was built in at

maybe groups of genes that lead to highly reproductively successful sisters also lead to gay brothers as a corolary

deffo. they did a great job given the restrictions of PS3/Xbox

every time i see a black truck this shit goes down

Oh well, i guess thats alright then. Dont pull that shit with me, Christianity actively encourages bigotry and ignorance, from creationism to mistrust of vaccine to disaproving of contraceptives to skepticism among powerful Christians about climate science and the hereditary nature of sexuality. Signing off with

"You really have nothing better to do than spread anti-tolerant anti-Christian rants huh? You do so with every chance you get. Why do you hate so much? "

Where do you want me to start? The child abuse, the issues with condoms, the collusion with the Nazis, the giant gold palaces, the spreading of unscienfitic lies with

Hey I know you youre the one who got all confused and upset when I said God was a violent idiot in the Bible, and here you are again. Antiscience, pro insane bronze age god... lemme guess, only the brave billionaires and oil companies will save us from all these scientists...

'some of us' dont believe in ancient psychotic desert gods. :(

hate is too gentle a word. more like loathe to the bottom of my being. despise. pedo priests. science deniers who campaign against gay equality and safe sex. golden palaces in rome. i basically cannot fucking stand Christianity i think theyre the antichrist. along with all the other hateful religions the world is

Hey im not the one who thinks the story about the guy who drew a knife on his son because the voices in his head told him to is a morality tail.
screw that shitty bronze-age piece of shit of a god (myth).

Funny Games

Ive worked as a concept artist in Moving Picture Company ive seen it


yeah its a win win, they get cared for and this chump gets to feel vengeance has been served.