
theres a fantastic audiobook of Lord of Light on youtube, its amazing.

This might be of interest; unused Valarian concept art

i did a bit of artwork for his valve project whatever that pans out to be. might be interesting. didnt think toomuch of the recent movies but i think elysium couldve been terrific with a story that made sense. shame.

those Ripley aliens looks super bad too tbh

100% agree. just pretend what theyre saying is as portentious as the visuals make out, not the tripe theyre spewing in the dialogue track.

that actually is good, ive done it while working, you can inject the requisite substance into the story yourself...
which sounds quite a xenomorph thing to do now i think of it!

Now playing

this is still the best imo. filmed on a piece of dinosaur poo, but still the best nonetheless
skip to 1min in to get to the good stuff

Ha i really liked this comment, you are a much better player than me, i meet you guys sometimes but i prefer when we are on the same team!!otherwise i die and die and die. i can fight ok but some hard nuts are too tough to crack haha. i love gta and play all the time but never make any money and am not very good, but

well said!

yeah, a city car designed for women... not a new thing. also why is a car designed by fashion designers less legitimate than a pair of shoes?

“ Experts say it could take years before these sorts of legal details are ironed out.”

.... in the US.
other places? i wonder.

seems i was bang on

Accusing people who dont like whitewashing in films as sexist or for criticising this low quality produst as unfitting its originators reminds me of the scame the republicans pulled on americans

“If this isn’t the end for the Republican Party, it’ll be a shame. They dominated American political life for 50 years and

i dont hate the ghostbusters remake for the female cast, just the lazy fuck you it represents to the old one and Harold Ramis. it looks like a shockingly cheap and poorly written cash grab.

Amusingly, oil companies have been building climate change and sea level rise into their engineering of new facilities for a long time.

“No argument that humans ARE contributing to Climate Change, but to what degree we are contributing is very much open to debate.”

only among deniers and believers on the internet. scientists are building better models all the time, but no other forcing exists that explains the current trend except for increasing CO2

newtons laws were proven to be mere approximations by einstein but they model reality with sufficient accuracy in fairly flat spacetime at low speeds that theyre useful for human scale engineering.
youre desperate to confirm your bias that man has nothing to do with climate change. even with that desire, youre having

“and you’re constructing a strawman in order to claim he’s wrong. Tsk tsk....And let’s not forget the same “scientific” community a few decades ago told us we’d be entering an Ice Age soon and should look for ways to warm up the globe. They told us quantum mechanics didn’t exist. Before that, general relativity was a

Starship Troopers does not need some earnest remake that loves fascism as much as Heinlein did.
The sarcastic Verhoeven movie is perfect. It and Robocop are about the smartest big budget action movies ever and the model effects and CGI still look amazing. Leave them alone.

maybe remake something crap but with an