
My sister liked these. I never understood it:

Awesome. Thanks! I'll have to check it out. :)

It's true. Just like if you have to lie down with a full stomach - you lay on your right side because your stomach empties to the right (looking down at it). You want gravity to work for you. If you are having trouble pooping, lie down on your left side. Your bowels empty to the left. It's science. And everyone knows

Mmm. Sunday morning mimosas...

On another note, WTF is "Bust" magazine? I'm in Idaho. It usually takes 6-8 months for us to mature.

I saw her stand up routine on Comedy Central a while ago, and I haven't laughed that hard in a while. She's shameless. And that's a good thing. :)

I have one of those Android apps on my phone. It's call Sleep Time and it's pretty cool. I tell it I want to be up by 7, set the wake-up buffer to my preferred wakey window (usually 30 minutes for me), and then I lay it on the bed next to me. When I start to move around within that window, it wakes me up. It's pretty

This is so much cheaper!

I have a valerian mint tea. It's totally great for relaxing in the evening. And the mint helps with the gym sock smell. So does some honey and lemon. LOL

And then they pull the floor out from under you...

Hello, Professor Hill! Thank you for being a wonderful role model for me. I was in high school when you faced the Senate Committee and I remember very clearly admiring your tenacity and faith in yourself and doing what you believed was right. Your courage played a part in the person I became, and I think I turned out

National Geographic wall papers are fabulous, too. Thank you! :)

This is my issue, too! I have no issue with a trans woman in the ladies room, at all. But it took me a long time before I was willing to let my kid use the men's room by himself, so we were always searching for locking unisex bathrooms. There are so many creepers out there.

Got to have something to keep us warm on the ice, yessiree.

That's right, no one needs serious discussions about rape between anyone who is younger than 18. Cause no one has sex or could possibly have been raped (or done any raping) before they were of legal age to enter the porn industry.

My thoughts exactly: STOLEN. My thoughts are with those who were on the flight.

I got called once to sit on the jury of an accused drunk driver who hit a telephone pole one night, tried to drive away, got busted by the police, and pleaded not guilty. When the judge asked if there was any reason I would not be able to render a fair and unbiased verdict, I was able to honestly answer, "Yes, Your

I can appreciate someone who want/needs something that is overpriced being upset. I don't appreciate those same people taking out their frustrations on the front line staff who have nothing to do with the prices that are set. Write a letter to the managers and owners, people. (Do people even write letters anymore?

I was a visitor on Capitol Hill in the Hart Office Building in DC the morning of 9-11. We were evacuated. I could see the smoke coming from the Pentagon. There were soldiers with huge guns who were forming a perimeter around the Capitol and other government buildings. It was one of the scariest days of my life. I went

I'm a fat mom who had fun in her twenties, had a kid at 27, and am looking forward to the time I'll have - while still young and smart enough to enjoy it - when the kid leaves the nest. I miss the attention from my young and skinny days, but I like my life the way it is right now better than I dislike being fat and