
I believe in the airplane mode of parenting: put your oxygen mask on first. If I’m not happy or feeling like me, then I’m not being fair as a mom. My daughter deserves to see me having a life outside of her, just like she deserves for us to laugh as much as possible. I work, flexible hours. She is in an afternoon

Not only that, but it asks people - so-called Christians (because I’m a Christian and i don’t give two thoughts to my Starbucks cup or what greeting I am given by people in the service industry, but since we are talking about it, I like the red cup. Simple.) anyway! These non-Christian Christains are being assholes

I won’t watch the video. Just like I won’t watch the video of the boy being beaten by cops in California after crossing the street. Short of aiming a gun or wielding a knife at her fellow classmates, there is absolutely nothing this child could have done, nothing, to provoke this attack. And even if she had a weapon,

Well sure because then he was more pallatable for consumption. So sex with people of consenting age would be easier. You have to imagine this is how they thought. (I will say I doubt all the higher ups at Subway knew, surely someone of sound moral judgement was kept in the dark because he or she would have said “yeah,

This man is a devil-spawn. Fuck him. Guilt? Guilt over being raped or guilt over the abortion should she have been allowed to have one? Or guilt at the fact that she is a child being forced to have a child, because that’s the reality. Men who control women, and believe with this much conviction they have the right to,

But that’s a “death” and you can’t kill something that’s so much alive and viable. Aren’t you paying attention?

Truly, that people take for granted a cell phone will always work is astounding and terrifying and sad.

Yes. Exactly! I argued with someone today who was trying to say “remember the past,”’bullshit to which I replied that when the past is literally flying overhead, the state is still oppressing a certain class of people, and that cannot be tolerated. The past is still present. How is that not evident?

Hello friend! I am in MS too, and it’s such a good day when we can say these things!

I live in MS and don’t know anyone who displays a confederate flag, wishes to leave the state flag unchanged, has these ideations of “the south rising again” (other than maybe from this PR nightmare). We have our southern pride, sure. Football. Music. Food. Community. And while I am sure I have cocooned myself in

My dad isn’t the trickster type, more of a bad pun loving, sing for no reason all of the time, let’s just have fun all of the time type dad. He passed These traits down so yesterday when my daughter was cranky and all my motherly love was for naught, I picked her up and threw her in the pool. Calm down. She is six.

*closes computer. pours vodka. fuck vodka - I need whiskey.*

As the wife of a soccer fan, who knows the game but the governing rules, I ask this as a legitimate question. Can and will countries opt out of the World Cup? Isn't World Cup play part of a years-long process? How will this work?

Never screw artistic integrity. Are you kidding?

If you can’t answer the simple question “but so what...?” then don’t write the book. And sheesh don’t waste your time reading it! Only a handful of memoirs have been worthy, and some of those were accidental memoirs. Be creative: take the few awesome, life-altering, funny, teachable moments in your life and work from

My machine has an “anti-bacterial” setting of which I am afraid. All my clothes are done in cold water unless it's a particularly stinky load of towels (from wet dogs maybe) and the sheets once a month (I wash sheets one a week, calm down everyone! But once a month they get warm water, just to be sure) Indidnt even

Right? Other than moment where your body is “oh this is happening again” there is nothing inappropriate about what happens during a transvaginal ultrasound. And dear God, nothing about it is sexy or sexual. It’s a condom on a machine. And then your insides displayed on a TV screen.

I love this mom. Can I be her friend? As the mom of a kid who is head strong and determined and knows exactly what she wants, I understand. Now what my kid wants is gymnastics team and dance company, which we practice for all the time. But the moment she says “nope” in any meaningful way, then ok. We’ll refocus her

I still maintain that if I had received a #racetogether cup, I would have asked where was "start" and was there a ribbon at the end to cross or just a line on the street drawn in chalk?

best worst movie ever