
Bullshit. Macklemore isn’t famous because he’s white, Macklemore is famous because his producer (Ryan Lewis) is fantastic. I don’t care who you are, if you can’t shake your ass to Thrift Shop, Ceiling Can’t Hold Us, etc. then you might as well be dead.

...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.

So he should either stop making music/money, or start performing in a way that is better than the way that made him ultra-successful?

Your comment just made my IUD twitch.

Oh this will be good. Southern Baptists marching in a blizzard.

Is this a blizzard?! No! God is just releasing all those Snowflake Babies back to the earth.

I live in DC and work not too far from the Hill. Every year I see this invading infestation of assholes for this march. What upsets me most are the children I see - ones who are clearly to young to have made up their minds on an issue, who are being used as political props. And then on a much more practical level,

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

All very interesting, but I’m nowhere closer to understanding why Julia Louis Dreyfus is doing Old Navy ads.

For some reason*, when I read the headline I was thinking some British teens made instagram accounts for the characters and I was like “omg I want to follow Blair on IG!” Really disappointed to find out this is not the case.

Lincoln appreciation GIF thread?

Isn’t putting Kendrick Lamar on your track like a cheat code? You could just shit on a track and add a K-Dot feature and half the population would debate if it is top 5.

I took one for the team (you're welcome). As bad as you think it is, it's actually worse. Just don't. Please don't. I only made it about two-thirds of the way.

Has someone called CPS already?

This is wonderful.

What was everyone's height of Real World love? Mine was New Orleans, I remember like being obsessed with every moment, every cast member from the casting special on. My cousin and I would eat bagel bites in the basement and just watch marathons of it to relive every second.

Huge kudos to James Corden for breaking out some solid harmony with FREAKING ADELE. I can carry a tune, but I think if I attempted to harmonize under that kind of pressure, she’d just give me a kind, “Shhhh.... just no, luv. Tanks.”

A lot of people are talking about how it’s boring, but I think they’re mostly the true crime-obsessed redditor types that treated the season-one case as entertainment to play detective with, and I think Koenig & company were intentionally trying to lose them as listeners, so I doubt they mind.

Okay, first: Kudos to the teacher who didn’t attribute the child’s exhaustion to laziness or disrespect. I know that should be a given, but many signs of abuse and neglect are blamed on the child.

Are you made of porcelain?