Stubbed PortManToe

Holy crap what a hack job. Let’s ignore the actual point the woman was trying to make, just like Scott did when he brought up jobs instead of responding to her beef about Medicare expansion and healthcare. If this response about new jobs was so powerful, he wouldn’t have had to run out of the coffee shop like a scared

Protests based on a misinterpretation of a speech from 21 years ago which she’s since repudiated, as opposed to protesting people who are the actual problem. OK then.

As far as art goes it also helps with the sightlines, her strut pose makes the sightline work up to her torso and head - the eyes are naturally drawn to her jacket and chest. The butt pose forces the sight line directly to the butt. It’s not just the butt showing IMO it’s also how you draw the viewer’s eye.

It’s the

Yeah, I think it’s an improvement.

I’m going to be serious and say that this is just all around an improvement.

The OP's sentence conflates two very different situations that need to be separated:

Knox College in Illinois has the best rape-prevention assembly I have ever, ever seen. It is also the closest thing I've ever seen to a "how not to rape women" class on a college campus. Sorry, this is a super long reply but I want to share how this went, because it was just fantastic.

A study found that if you ask college-aged men if they've ever raped, nearly all will say no. However, if the questions are rephrased as follows...

Honestly, I would lvoe to see a "How to Not Rape Women" class. This is not me making a joke, I'm 100% serious. We need a class that says "Hey, I know your both drunk, and she seems into it, but just think about it dude." or "Just because she isn't saying no to you being all over her doesn't mean she's saying yes." The