
Try Murder by Numbers, also on the Nintendo Switch. It combines Phoenix Wright-style storytelling with picross puzzles as part of an “evidence collection” mechanic.

You didn’t read the intro i take it. 

I’m not sure how I feel about Paul being a “good” bathhouse owner. Those guys were about as complicit in the spread of HIV as the Reagan administration.

I like Donna Tartt a lot, and I think that a lot of the backlash she gets tends to come the way of any author that’s successful while being insufficiently “literary”, but yeah—I’d say The Secret History is better.

“Tonight I am serving high-camp Dragon mama. My hair is wind-swept, my wings are spread, and my armor plate is padded to the gawds! The judges are gagged... And I. Am. Living!”

What a wild ride of “This person’s been through some shit; glad they’re doing better now... oh, no: they’re a dick 😔”

Speaking of...

Ugh, way to eclipse my joke.

“They may mean well, but the “oh you must have a girlfriend” thing is awfully presumptuous, and that would certainly rub me the wrong way. “

“Lena may own a gun, but she also lives in a world where she’s a high-profile target for evil people with literal superpowers; that doesn’t exactly reflect the average gun owner’s experience.”

There were zero Impressionist painters in the 18th Century

Now playing

I put the sequence up on YouTube so we can enjoy it again!

Trader Joe’s Carolina Gold

I think that it would have underlined how difficult it is for people of color to overcome everything that is thrown at them.

No ... for too many folks of color, that’s just real life. It’s only “satirical bite” to white folks who live in the bubble of never having had to deal with that threat. It’s those same white folks who don’t understand the satirical bite of Jordan Peele having said Get Out was a documentary.

Fun fact: characters don’t need a reason to be queer.

Did anyone else catch Cisco quoting Bianca Del Rio?

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t enjoyed Nick Cage getting stung by bees many, many times over times over the years. That said, the original Wicker Man is one of the best and most unique horror films of all time. I can’t stand it when people treat it like a footnote in the legacy of the Nicholas Cage bee meme. This

20 years ago i did the DC Baltimore commute, it cost me $18 or $20 for a 45 minute ride. This is too expensive to be called a “commute”.