
On the Cyberpunk front, there’s a thread of side quests where halfway through I was like “okay this dude absolutely wants to bone” and when we were finally alone in a scenario that could only be described as romantic, I went in for a kiss and he was like “woah there I don’t swing that way”. Which makes perfect sense.

Perhaps you’re aware, but Tracey Thorn has an entire Christmas album and it’s fucking fantastic. All but two of the songs are covers — fantastic covers, mind you — but who cares when you have that VOICE. I listen to it pretty much everyday during the holidays.

I can’t recall her looking this good since Eyes Wide Shut, which I’m convinced the opening scene of this series is nodding to

Thank you! Wish the reviewer would’ve recognized that direct nod to The Innocents, which I can confidently say even before finishing this show is the ne plus ultra adaptation of Turn of the Screw.

If you’re jonesing for more picross I can’t recommend Murder By Numbers enough. 

Complete conjecture here, but I think what they were going for is that by sparingly using non-subtitled Spanish, we are to assume that they ARE speaking their native language, we’re just hearing it as English.

Hands down better than the first season, whose inscrutability actually saw me dropping off for several months before returning to finish the last few episodes. I loved it, of course, but this season seemed tighter, more focused, while still maintaining the mystery that made me love it in the first place. Any my GOD

I hate that whole trend but I fucking love it here

Thank you for confirming to me what an excellent line that was. I was like “was that my favorite line ever from this show or am I just super stoned?” Turns out both can be true.

I was just texting my husband about somehow Andy Whitfield is the celebrity death that continues to affect me most profoundly. The only thing I ever saw him in was that one season of Spartacus — was he even in anything else of note? — but I swear I tear up a little every time I see him mentioned. Said husband also

You are what we in the industry call a straight person.

This is where the gays come in. Judith Light is an icon.

I’m shocked that I never heard about this. I’m friends with a lot of trans people, and generally traffic in queer spaces, and not once did I ever see it mentioned anywhere.

The closest, and most contemporaneous, analog I can think of is The Loneliest Planet, which includes a similar incident where, iirc, (SPOILERS FOR A NINE YEAR OLD FILM) the male protagonist uses his girlfriend/fiancee/whatever as a human shield against a gun-wielding stranger, which of course dominates the remainder

that ruveal runway is very big dragula floor show energy

From what I know about Love It or List it, which jibes with what Gwen was saying, is that it’s basically a front for renovation. Despite what they may claim, the couple never chooses to move into a new house, and in fact never had any desire to. But it works for combining their audience’s dual love of house hunters

I long for a closed kitchen sometimes, though I’m not sure how well that would work in 700sq’ apartment. While I love having drinks with friends around the island -- and sometimes ON the island -- I would also love for my house not to smell like everything I cook for several hours or more. Give me walls!!!

I was gonna go to bat for Whitt’s and Swett’s being a decent airport food option — having a well-priced meat and three was a revelation after almost paying $11 for a ham and cheese sandwich across the way — but I now see that they have both closed, sure to be replaced by something overpriced and awful. Also I fly in

Yeah would bone

In last Thursday’s game Brad said something along the lines of “you’re welcome” to Ken when he grabbed one of the daily doubles.