Hair! Hair!
Hair! Hair!
35B has similar range, speed, and endurance as Rafale and SH when loaded. Catapults are definitely better but the B trounces harrier, Phantom, legacy hornet, Russo/Chinese carrier planes, etc.
QE class is indeed a dilemma 35C is clearly more capable but 35B is still the best RN fighter to date. Building and affording two carriers to my eye is worth the reduced abilities versus one Catapult ship. Training, equipment, and practicing trapping on the ship are much more expensive. 35C will also wear out faster…
You can’t just disappear in a European city without a whole lot of help.
Can I say my point of view as a Muslim? I’m not going to change your view point, just listen.
Do you think those Muslim neighbours know he lives there?
Do you fricking think that it does more good to them to hid him there?
I’m sorry to break your bubble, but those Daesh (ISIS) members were at first non-muslim “Muslims”…
If it’s leaking that means it’s not empty, some of our helocopter pre flights are to checks are to make sure it’s leaking...
“Bwahaha xD oh man I love the putinbots on here. You guys have gone so far off the end of the disconnected/troll spectrum you can’t even be taken seriously anymore. You do you, buttercup.”
In all seriousness (...well..), I grew up a Navy brat, and actually spent a couple years living on a Marine base. Here’s how it was always explained to me:
If anyone went to an airshow at Andrews in 1982 and saw an A-10, that was me. I was the assistant crew chief on the jet and the crew chief was afraid to fly (yes, really) so I got to go out there with the jet and answer questions. The questions were usually “what kind of gun is that on the wing? (pitot tube) or on the…
The Rand study was complete and utter BS btw. In the rules of the exercise, the US/NATO team were denied the use of both the 173rd and the brigade sized ‘Ready Force’ that the 82nd maintains year round, which is able to get pretty much anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Having been part of that ready force I know…
The offer from a previous post still stands. Come to the UK and I’ll give you a tour of the house of the one person who has a job here. Obviously we’ll still need my ex-airforce buddies for protection because, you know, Muslim no-go zones but, hey, I’m sure we can manage it without you getting shot or drinking…
Sorry, it was to correct the statement in the article, not my reaction to it! Since fixed:
Unless the US has a sub in the area, I wouldn’t bank on any European sub doing the job.