
Whilst we are on the subject, was the Ewar fly-by of the USS Donald Cook ever explained? Was a complete Non-story or, did something suspicious actually happen?

Rooservelt is a Destroyer (DDG80), not a Battleship (or battleship for that matter)!

I’m pretty sure that the training for any production line would demand much more of an Abrams than of a Sherman

hahah - i’ll give it a go! I drove an old APC on a “tank paintball day” many years ago, Sherman can’t be much harder (joke!!)

Isn’t this more than just ammunition though?

Yeah, that was the dilemma. Retrofit at an incredible cost but then the cost of the aircraft comes down dramatically. It then moves on in to the argument of taking a proven “cheap” F18 against an unproven ultra modern F35. Of course, with a catapult, the carriers would also be much more useful for current combined ops

I believe, but could be wrong!, that the two new carriers us Brits are building are ski jump BUT also have the space to retro-fit catapults (the rail gun kind). It’s been a long running debate about dumping the F35's and changing to a bunch of F18's.

Argh, there is a character limit so, i’ve submitted “Fate Amenable To Change”

Well said, gents! Nice tribute to Iain M. Banks but, why not something that fits the role of the ship? Maybe “The Precise Nature Of The Catastrophe”

Except the greedy movie studios release only in certain regions at certain times.... so fuck em. (That said, if I download something and like it, I do end up buying the original eventually as I believe people deserve reward for their work

“I could fill 16 tb in a day with all the data on hard drives i have... 10 hard drives into 1 would be nice.”

How do we know this picture isn’t just some random picture (or even dis-information) and not what the aircraft might look like at all?

Wow... if only half of that is true...