If your liver ever grows into an independent viable baby, then I'm not going to stop it going to college, but I am going to freak the hell out.
If your liver ever grows into an independent viable baby, then I'm not going to stop it going to college, but I am going to freak the hell out.
Especially from a company like Zynga which prides itself on creating not the most fun, but the most addictive, experiences possible.
I'm just looking forward to what google can do with an Android phone when they have complete control of the process.
Not true. There's a middle phase - after they get their hair, but before they grow much larger - in which they just melt your brain with cuteness.
Go Launcher seems, by a lot of reports, to be a data miner. It sends back an obscenely large amount of "anonymous statistics" checkins back to base.
I'd kind of debate that assessment. It's one of the world's greatest success stories at cultural adaption, but it's still completely f**ked because our "cancer epidemic" coincided with the massive hole in the ozone layer opening up over our heads, primarily due to European and American polution levels. Thanks guys.
Hot while idle and battery life out the window? Something is messing up your wakelock probably. Most common culprit of late is the Facebook app (at least on the GS3 and GNex). Even if battery stats says Facebook isn't sucking the juice it's likely the culprit for not letting the phone sleep properly, hence the heat…
Missile Defense Agency. Can you imagine anything more boring than the night shift there? Sitting around watching a whole lot of missile alerts and other monitoring systems NOT GOING OFF because there are no missiles being fired anywhere.
Jack's Teen America 5...apparently.
I imagine the vampire drain of a wired door lock would be more expensive that it was worth.
Personally, I still prefer the real locks. It always freaks my friends out when I can remember their door codes after just the first or second time I go into their house with them.
So do I. Sweet isn't it? XD
See my reply to Xoko above, hope it helps.
Part of the rooting process includes absolutely 100% super important backing up *your* firmware. This is vital for the NST (moreso than other phones and things) because B&N includes some details specific to *your* nook in the default install - meaning if you fail to root properly you have to restore *your* backup, you…
Whether it's worth the $40 is your call, but I find I get a lot of use out of the light.
Yes. The NST Gloworm is basically the same as the NST. You use a slightly different set of files to root it with, but otherwise it's identical. I have one and love it.
If you're criticising the Nook Touch having capacitive/resistive touch, you're doing it wrong. IR touchscreen, so no additional layers.
I haven't noticed any drop in battery life at all *provided* I remember to turn wifi off.
Cool Reader. Free, reads almost everything, and supports the nook touch buttons by default (which is a big one for me).