Stuart Cooper

I slightly disagree here. I mean I understand your point - "it's fucking magic" - but - as a reader, if your work focuses heavily on the magic, and you don't explain to me, at least loosely, what it's abilities and limitations are, because that's too much systemisation, then you're basically asking me, as the reader,

According to a reasonably thorough analysis done here (it was linked on io9 a while back), we'd need to mine all of Mercury for the starter grid, then pretty much all of Venus to build the rest. Our asteroid belts have more than enough material to do it, but apparently the energy costs of catching and transporting the

They've had the spicy one here in Korea for a while now, going under the name of the "Volcano" set or something like that. It's spicier than you'd expect from a taco shell, but it's not going to have you sweating unless you're someone who really dislikes chilli (in which case, why are you ordering the spicy version?).

When I first got the NST (with glowlight) I was sure I’d end up using the tablet functions for all sorts of things. The reality I’ve found is instead that I use it as a truly awesome e-reader that can access any bookstore you like, and has dropbox (which I’ve found to be by far the easiest way to manage sideloading

Even the standard android on the NST suffers a reasonable amount of ghosting if used as anything other than an ereader. There are a few hacks you can do to slightly improve the issues, but basically using e-ink for anything other than reading a static screen will give you ghosting and the fun black/white refresh flash

No it didn't. I just kept my birthday private, so I still only get calls and messages from people who give a damn enough to remember.

Completely awesome!

According to this study, my wife probably has something like 12 separate personalities.

Cyriaque, you've got the bit about Ned Kelly completely wrong. They didn't get drunk and build the armour in the pub while surrounded by cops, Ned had been using it for ages already.

Sorry Whitson, but if tweaking is stressful then I don't think we mean the same thing by tweaking.

In a semi-random layout, random loot game like DIII you can pre-order the loot you want? Awesome. How did I not know about this?

Except this is more like ordering a random meal, sending it back because you don't like it, ordering another random meal, sending it back because you don't like it, ordering another random meal . . . . etc etc, and then on the 7th or so order getting annoyed when they tell you there's a 10 minute wait before they'll

And the masses bring themselves willingly to be fleeced!

Almost all casinos now use continuous shuffling machines, which renders card counting basically pointless.

This was precisely what I thought when I tried to follow the article's logic chain.

More importantly - how awesome is a university course that involves animating feature films with lego!

We're talking about Australia here. You get poisonous snakes in the backyard in a lot of places, not to mention the spiders, critters and other nasties. If you live in Darwin then crocs sometimes come into yards too.

Sam, I'm not sure what kind of friend you are, or what kind of friends you have, but in most circles, getting engaged is kind of a big deal, and exactly the type of thing that is served well by a wide-reaching fb announcement.

I wholeheartedly approve of this comment XD

Andrew, I know Giz is primarily just rewording and reposting content from other providers, but please think about your post before just regurgitating the manufacturers marketing spiel.