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    It’s whoever they had in the first game. Patricia Summersett.

    I don’t think any other vets are coming to Shanon’s on that night, she invited Barry on the same night she floated the idea past FBIman, who I assume thinks it’s still on for another night. She wanted Barry alone and fooled him that others were coming, hence nobody else being there.

    As good as the episode? Butt-kiss all you want, it was good, but it wasn’t a new episode of Barry

    I’m sure he’s talked to them before about it

    ...which no longer applied by the time this was published

    If you kept watching you’d know nobody actually dies besides the two inconsequential dudes in the beginning. What are you referring to? Nobody else dies, not Sally, not Gene. Barry imagines both getting shot in the head at different moments but it doesn’t actually happen. Even Barry admits he’s “seeing things that

    He didn’t direct The Goonies though.

    My guess is the director was hovering behind the cinematographer to oversee a POV shot. Bullet goes through cinematographer, hits director. 

    Listen they got luke writing 1,000,000 articles a week so GIVE HIM AN EFFING BREAK MAN (because kotaku won’t)

    I think there’s a romhack floating around out there which changes some of the worst Majora 3DS offenses back to how they were on the N64 original.

    Lag be damned, I’ll only use wired controllers again when HELL FREEZES OVER

    I’m gonna go play my Switch now. I gotta give that little guy some love.

    -First, you meant to say “of its less-than-40-minutes”, not “it’s”.

    Ironic since Elton John doesn’t write his own lyrics.

    I don’t remember having to grind in any Arkham game, ever. Maybe you can if you’re OCD or something, but I played every one of those games from beginning to end without even giving second thought to the RPG elements and I certainly never needed to stop and grind. And while it has faceless goons, it’s more about

    You’re either joking very dryly or you haven’t played Arkham Origins. I choose to laugh at it being a dry joke.

    As a hack creator let me tell you that this publicity is more than welcome. Even if it gets pulled from its official host it gets shared in different places and spread around to the point where you literally can’t delete it from the internet. People worry too much about this. This is the recognition we want. We want

    As a dude who has been making rom hacks for decades let me tell you nothing makes us happier than our work being reported on by genuine game journalists. So shut up and don’t ruin it for us. Also: even if the file is taken down in one place, once it’s out it’s out. You’ll be able to find it somewhere else. Now please

    I mean hey, it happens, it’s entertaining, it’s Lifetime’s thing. Try not to worry too much about it; we’ve got other stuff to worry about beyond whether your soap opera movies have too many jealous psychos for your liking.

    You guys really need to hone in your definition of “platformer”. So many great platformer games overlooked so you could use your loose definition to include... Tomb Raider? UNCHARTED? Come on guys. Get real.