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    They were player two/alt options. Your weren’t forced to play as them in a single player campaign like sonic often makes you

    Hey man, we all let it happen with Stardew Valley (Harvest Moon). Let’s just look the other way and see how good it turns out

    Apple products are not better for creative arts, and you drank some serious Koolaid if you think that

    Continuity error... or foreshadowing setup?

    Yeah royal rumble that one

    Nope, they mean BioWare. They’re talking about Anthem in that sentence.

    You know, maybe it’s one of those things where you did see it but you didn’t really think about it or look into it or realize it was a pattern. I’ve replayed that game a couple times since 2005 and I certainly don’t remember seeing any of these cars, but I also can’t say with certainty that I’d remember if I saw a

    Thanks, I went over twenty years without my mind ever knowing about this, and now I’ll have to go the rest of my life seeing it. I hope you’re fucking happy

    I swear to god if they also make the little talking dragon not have the voice of Eddie Murphy, I’m out. I can only suspend my disbelief so much. 

    Yeah, I mean any co-stars defending Cosby are out of their fucking minds seeing as how he DRUGGED DOZENS OF WOMEN so they would FALL ASLEEP so he could PUT HIS PENIS INTO THEIR BODIES without their CONSENT.

    Man, I gotta take some time out to play Mother 3. I’ve had it sitting on my PC for years and only screwed around with the beginning. I might just need to give the whole series a back-to-back marathon.

    Man, I gotta take some time out to play Mother 3. I’ve had it sitting on my PC for years and only screwed around with the beginning. I might just need to give the whole series a back-to-back marathon.

    I am so okay with this. I want to feel like I can collect all of em’ in a Pokemon game again. Even if more are made possible with DLC, I’m more than happy to focus on what the game offers. 

    Noooo, the “BIG LINGERING QUESTION” is how Nintendo’s scary-ass lawyers managed to track a guy down in a country he’s not a citizen of, on a landline phone that he has no connection to, and why THAT isn’t the story. What the hell? That is some scary, scary stuff. Reminds me of that Gene Hackman movie, “The

    I think that about sums up what I like about SMB: The Lost Levels, as well.

    The Sonic film team should just hire that dude to do the redesign. But I’m guessing there’s a contractual reason why that may not be possible. Also: those tiny little whiskers on Pikachu that I never noticed when watching the movie? Freaking adorable. That should be added to his game design. Just a little touch.

    Yep. It’s a tale as old as “Crack Baby Basketball”.

    I actually HAVE played an import of Animal Forest, so HA! Take that Kotaku! I’m a big fucking loser!

    What gave it away? The fact that all of this stuff looks like garbage thrown up by my GameBoy Color?
