A hefty FU to the multitudes of Gawker/Jezebel readers who flooded my comment a year or two ago angry because I said this guy’s brand of anti-sexist anti-racist comedy was itself sexist, racist and not particularly funny. I believed the rumors from the start. Also, as a man myself, believe me when i say C.K. is a…
The power I had over these women is that they admired me.
Page later reprised her role as Kitty Pryde in X-Men: Days of Future Past, where she was directed by Bryan Singer—a director that has (as though by magic) kept his own name out of the press in the last few weeks.
I think about a year ago my order of Chrises would have been: Pratt > Evans > Hemsworth > Pine
I assumed it was the rumors about how he basically abandoned his wife and son to be a huge movie star and she’s been raising the kid basically alone. Also the rumors about cheating. I don’t know though. It could all be fake!
He was an irresponsible pet owner along with Anna Faris. They adopted a shelter dog and then when they had a son and he was allergic to it, instead of returning the dog to the shelter, as they had promised to do, they did who knows what and completely lost track of its whereabouts. It was discovered in bad shape by…
I like all of the Chrises, but Chris Evans—talented, sexy, outspoken, unabashedly liberal, dog-loving Chris Evans—is the best Chris.
why not? the first season of riverdale was almost beyond reproach
Betty: “We live next door to one another, so there’s nothing strange about you walking me to school. Even if he’s watching us.”
Ahem, “a TRUE cuck.” And please know I would never use it in normal situations—I saw the opportunity and I had to take it. As for the second letter, Betty had to give the full thing to her parents after the Town Hall thing. So I believe they gave it to the Sheriff as a result.
Of course, Graham Phillips’ portrayal of Nick is basically a flashing light that says, “I’m Chuck Bass,” which is glaring in an episode full of more understated performances.
Maedchen Amick walking into the party in that red dress, wowzers.
It’s going to be like Jungle Book, where the actors just do the voices. Voice acting is vastly different from stage or film acting, and Beyonce does both singing and spoken word on her albums.
Does anyone else find it hilarious that the trailers for Justice League keep insisting that Super Jesus “inspired hope” when all he did was kill people, act indifferent about collateral damage he caused, doom his own species to extinction, and did nothing to alleviate humanity’s fear of him?
She lent her voice to The Force Awakens and The Jungle Book recently, so mission accomplished.
That’s not going to stop.
I feel like hating beyonce is a popular opinion.