Solarge Knowles

And yet again, DC proves that it’s ashamed of it’s super-heroness of it’s superhero movies.

No, it’s his ripped body. He takes his shirt off and bad guys fall to the ground slackjawed.

The quindent is his penis. It’s his penis.

I can’t take a villain named “Steppenwolf” seriously. I keep expecting him to break out in a chorus of Born to be Wild.

None of these make me want to see this movie; I cant put my finger on the exact reason though. It’s like Snyder is trying to make it feel like the Avengers and put his own style in it as well. From what I’ve seen this movie is the equivalent of mixing chocolate and peanut butter with pickled beets - there’s just too

Oh man. I don’t like Barry. At all.

So. Who wants to watch Thor again?

What was wrong with Steppenwolf’s classic look?

It’s going to be like Jungle Book, where the actors just do the voices. Voice acting is vastly different from stage or film acting, and Beyonce does both singing and spoken word on her albums.

It was released before dia de los muertos here in mexico, its a damn perfect representation of mexican culture this movie and perheps more importantly mexican matriarch. Loved it

To call Ragnarok the best of the Thor movies isn’t saying too much, given that the previous two are among the least-loved MCU entries.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that the trailers for Justice League keep insisting that Super Jesus “inspired hope” when all he did was kill people, act indifferent about collateral damage he caused, doom his own species to extinction, and did nothing to alleviate humanity’s fear of him?

She lent her voice to The Force Awakens and The Jungle Book recently, so mission accomplished.

That’s not going to stop.

It will be like The Jungle Book that Jon Favreau directed but without a little boy.

I feel like hating beyonce is a popular opinion.

Before one of y’all thin-skinned, pasty faces asks why I made this about race: BECAUSE REPRESENTATION MATTERS, BITCH.

“In America, however, the maternal death rate more than doubled between 1987 and 2013. In fact, though the United States is one of the most developed countries in the world, it’s the second to last among 31 developed countries, ahead of only Mexico”
