
At this point there is no ambiguity, no question: You either support fascism and the fucking nazi administration or you want to get rid of it whatever it takes. You don’t get to stand in some middle ground. They’ve drawn the lines pretty clearly, and we need to get rid of these fucks out of office and make sure none

If you’ve ever spent any time around a narcissist psychopath, you would know without a doubt that Trump is one.

Every morning I get off the train and see his stupid name in giant letters across a skyscraper and every morning it hurts me like jabbing a dirty finger into an open wound. My brain will probably be measurably damaged by the drug use required to cope with this shit.

I wake up every morning and one of my first three thoughts is a hope that I’ll open my phone and find he’s Elvis’d out on the toilet.

What blows my mind is that 40% of the United States still want him for a second term after witnessing the past 4 years. (o_0)

Lowry also seems to be trying to claim that I would never do that” was Trump saying he’d never allow agents to shoot immigrants, when it’s clear that he means, If were up to me, I never would have prohibited border patrol from carrying weapons.

This is somehow worse than seeing Democratic candidates tear up their Spanish on the debate stage.”

(After 10,000 racist trump things)

Do you find it interesting how often there’s no practical difference between demonstrating that you’re a person of great integrity and principle and demonstrating that you’re a just nihilist who believes in no principle greater than their own self-importance?

Jesus Fuckbunnies in a blender. All the goddamned trolls are flocking to you. I just cant with these fuckers.

Also, “I don’t see colour.”?

Holy hell, fuck this fucking cop!

Just so you know, I’m white and will side against you and yours any day of the week. And white people are on their way out as a majority, so good luck with that.

“Racist” 20 years ago meant someone with unfounded prejudices based upon racial stereotypes. It is racists/conservatives who have tried to redefine it as some subjective “racial hatred.” So White people are blameless and persecuted when they continue to engage in the practices that have been “racist” for 250 years. Une

Actually, as long as a racial slur wasn’t written under the (non-offensive) image, I’d probably just chuckle and give him props for representing.

Then again, today I saw a white dude in a t-shirt that said “I Met God. She’s Black,” and smiled and said, “Yes, I am.”

If a woman were to be punished for an abortion — a position I want to be clear that I’m wholly against — then damn right the man should suffer the same punishment.

I am in agreement with you.

I’m glad this has been pointed out. I thought my head was going to explode listening to people around me defending these racist assholes by saying ‘but da libtards were fighting too!’ all day. Like yeah, can you blame them for fighting back?! I’m a pacifist but like, these maniacs showed up dressed like they were

I’ll be honest: When I hear “blood and soil,” what I think of are stains that need to be scrubbed out before they set.

For The Fox News crowd: Take all the images & words that you see here & do what you do best, put black & brown faces in them & tell me what the reaction from all you fucking sociopath assholes would be. As a black man I am sick & fucking tired of hearing from these entitled, underachieving nobodies about how hard they