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    I surfed onto this by chance...but dammit, now i want a NY Jews hat!!

    Found this a year later, just clicking around while smoking weed...

    A year later, found this random surfing, but had to say...

    That, in the current context, is a white person problem that i just can’t feel anything but loathing towards.

    It is onvious. He is saying that, leading up to the general election, it will be f’ing f”ed up for anyone who remotely understands the stakes at play and the consequences of Yrump getting reelected to start spewing crap about “lesser of two evils” or “I’ll hold my nose and pull the lever” or why didn’t my my my view


    Do you really think this asshat was evoking an analogous image of any sort, and not just being a Looney cartoon himself? It's probly the only "Mexican country" word he knows except burrito and taco bell.

    ..i wonder how many wypipo have shown up at those plants in Mississippi, applying for those jobs that opened up after those raids 2 weeks ago....And what horrible consequences do those companies face for employing all those illegal workers...

    So - it’s poor black people that y’all are protecting from the immigrant hoard?

    You avoid the most important fact of this matter: The fetus is wholly living only by taking its entire sustenance from the woman’s body. This process has profound and permanent effects on the woman’s body, and plays havoc with her hormonal, endocrine, and immune systems. It is, in blunt terms, a parasite for the

    Mr. Blest, you miss the truly f’ed up part of this defense of Trump. Lowry points out the bit where trump says, “don’t forget, we can’t let them use weapons” as though it were a rejection of using weapons. But why tell his crowd “don’t forget...”? Why say “we can’t...”?

    That’s what i heard. And given the whole ‘i told them to treat rock throwing as rifle fire’ thing, this meaning is quite clear.

    That’s what i heard. And given the whole ‘i told them to treat rock throwing as rifle fire’ thing, this meaning is quite clear.

    Are you Jewish?

    In the USA, some laws are not valid nor enforceable, because they violate the Constitution. A citizen is allowed to break, and then challenge such laws in court. These laws need not be changed, they need only be recognized as void and therefore unenforceable.

    YYet, the determination of illegality is not so simple. Again, our law grants refugees the right to seek asylum and be given a hearing. ICE is an enforcement agency, not a judicial institution. The police do not determine guilt, or impose sentencing on those deemed in violation of the law. In your conception, ICE is

    Those people you know had means. And the people coming illegally do not.

    SSend them back without their children. No regular joe takes kids from parents without a due process to reunite them.  That is what regular joes call "kidnapping". 

    IIf you ain’t American and don’t care about our history of race issues, whyTF are you commenting about our laws and how we enforce them?