
When it’s in, you can’t even give it away.

I’m white and I live in Northern Virginia. I feel vaguely uneasy and weirded out when I visit my relatives who live up north. I finally figured out it’s because everyone I see there is white.

Only in the South would randomly leaving half a deer on someone’s front porch be considered neighborly.

London by way of Sudanese/Nigerian pops and Trinidadian mum. Basically, I’m Trini with extra adjectives.

Holy shite....I’ve met every last one of these people. The “I’ll teach them to hate blacks because the black daddy was triflin” is real, and dangerous. Poor mixed kids take it personally that black kids play the dozens with each other on the playground. They think they’re getting made fun of because they’re

Born and raised in Alabama, now on my second trip through Ohio and... yeah. These Ohioans like to think that the South is some openly, horribly racist place, and they are always shocked when I tell them the first time I was openly called “n*gger” was in their backyard.

Is the argument basically that the south, by simply being more saturated by black people (for obvious reasons), is more integrated, but less equal? Whereas the north (might) be more equal, but is also more segregated? I could see that being the case based on my experience with the way cities/metro areas are here in

As someone who has lived in Virginia (non-DC suburbs) and Philadelphia it’s proven to be 1,000% true. I knew people who’s racist-as-shit grandparents grew up in Jim Crow south and talked about how they were practically raised by black housekeepers. It’s weird.

Alla this. And there are levels.

My father is from Trinidad and he remarked that a lot of people in the US, especially up north, were absolutely freaked out that he was polite to strangers and said hello. It’s how they do it in Trinidad, because people are friendly and outgoing and actually love being around people.

I tend to repeat myself but I always explain race relations like this: “In the south white people are fine with POC as long as they don’t get too high. In the north white people are fine with POC as long as they don’t get too close.”

This is the least confused I have been about these matters...ever. Thanks again! We need you to footnote all the Jezebel royalty tags.

“...though I imagine it would take some time getting used to people speaking to you all the time and not wanting anything from you.” 

And as someone who has lived in Virginia since I was 9, I have the exact opposite problem whenever I head north. My friends are always having to remind me to not make eye contact and

I live in the South. My Lyft driver was raised in Chicago and she said when she moved down here, it freaked her out how everyone would just say “Hello” and keep it moving. She thought White people were marking her for future assaults.

Totally agree on the wedding dress. At the time, my mother proclaimed it to be “juvenile”, which of course is what one might expect from someone who had just turned 20. I never really bought into all of the hype over Diana; I think it was just everyone projecting their own romantic fantasies onto her. (However, I

It’s hilarious that so many people thought this was a fairytale wedding and marriage at the time. I’m rolling my eyes at how confident the commentators are here.

There are plenty of Republican women (see Sonja) who love attention from gay men, but vote against their interests!

Yes, I owe my precious Dorinda an apology.

I agree with all of the above.

I find it hard to even picture Luann in a voting booth. Even early voting at home seems too pedestrian. I’d bet she didn’t vote at all.