I feel Grimey if I don’t.
I feel Grimey if I don’t.
But it tries to masquerade like reputable journalism.
Why is it gross to want higher profits?
+1 Whipping
Speed limits and building codes are entirely different from wether Mcdonalds called barbies a girls toy.
Seriously. I know the old “tax dollars at work” joke is worn out, but it really really applies here.
What the fuck Michigan? Isn’t there, I dunno, more serious issues you could be wasting your tax-dollar time on?
This comment really Bored me, Tesla me more.
Immigration control is important.
Sure, you can sell Star Wars: TLJ more times, to more people, than a New Hope, but that doesn’t make it better.
I dunno, I think most americans that aren’t whiney bitches are pretty happy.
Wow, I should not reply until I’ve had my first cup of cofvevee.
I literally was responding to your point about there “being none”
I’m literally reading what you posted. What did you mean by:
Your point to prove communism is better than capitalism is that there haven’t been any successful communist countries?
I’m sticking with discussion at the same time, eg; multitasking. You should try it.
So, basically you had nothing to reply with except insults. Got you.
It’s pretty simple: From a mate/partner guys want a challenge, but not to be defeated by them.
Read half the posters in the linked article’s comment sections.
Read half the posters in the linked article’s comment sections.