Whoever was responsible for making the character creator, especially the eyebrow bit, was obviously paid by the hour.
Whoever was responsible for making the character creator, especially the eyebrow bit, was obviously paid by the hour.
Every single game should have a character creator on the level of this, Black Desert, or APB
Maybe you have some sort of shitty superpower where you are exceptionally great at picking awful games to buy
so if you love BL you will probably love this one, and if you dislike the old games you will probably dislike this one.
Do not play the videos in the folder there labeled "magic".
they’re just sharing Randy’s Epic account and he has to change the password every time they send it to a new reviewer.
Bethesda: "hold my beer"
Eh, from the reviews I have seen it sounds like more of the same across the board so if you love BL you will probably love this one, and if you dislike the old games you will probably dislike this one.
What an entirely weird situation. 2K as a whole is just a gross publisher. This reminds me of back in the early 00s when Marvel stopped providing review comics to all journalists and then, subsequently, bitched because no one was reviewing their books. Not that B3 isn’t going to have 100 reviews by next Friday, but I…
I certainly don’t. This isn’t some innocent oversight, it’s intentional. Any marketing professional that doesn’t understand Kotaku’s relevance wouldn’t be working for Gearbox - they’re intentionally blackballing sites that have covered Randy Pitchford’s BS.
What, you don’t like the fourth release of the same game?
I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but 2K and Gearbox have been unloading clip after clip into their own foot and I just can’t understand why. I mean other than the usual issue of misguided power oafs being unable to change course.
The way to gain access to the game is to have Randy do a magic trick for you.
The company has definitely not gone out of their way to try and make people like them. Also, Randy Pitchford seems like a massive asshole.
Saw that picture and i thought...Splinter cell lol
define “normal”. These people are just doing what they like for fun, or for a living. It doesn’t hurt you in any way. Why the hate?
Yeah, which is what I think is really cool about it! To me it’s a lot the same as stage magic tricks—it’s “fake,” but it points to some really cool things people are capable of and how our brains work, which to me is way more exciting than “ghosts” or anything like that. This kind of thing always reminds me how…
Yeah right. Next you’re going to tell me Bloody Mary isn’t real, and nobody has been levitated by reciting light-as-a-feather-stiff-as-a-board.
Can we consider it to then be a medium for ones subconscious? From a psychological perspective?