so that you can battle or just front
so that you can battle or just front
How does this compare to Future Soldier? I loved FS’s multiplayer (except some terrible connection issues, great job Ubisoft!). I even got my dad to start playing it because it wasn’t as twitchy as most shooters and he could keep up. He still plays it! If it’s anything like FS, I might actually get it.
This is hilarious to me. Guess what mr. unknown... your game mode is not unique nor the first of its kind. Get over yourself... and PS. you ain’t no Sid Meier, get your damn name off of things.
oh the irony of this is hilarious.
Now, I would like someone to explain me two things:
I like this for a couple reasons, one obvious (yay generous dev/pub for being nice), one left-field, so I’ll expand on the bizarre one.
This’ll probably get them way more sales than they would’ve otherwise gotten, thanks to the exposure and the suddenly-gone barrier to entry.
It is a Guardian.
Also, “Well, if you read the books...” was one of the main nonpoints people always made about the lack of story in the first three games.
“Crystal Dynamics and Tomb Raider, Bethesda and Fallout, Ninja Theory and Devil May Cry”
The first time I cared about Master Chief’s story was Halo 4. The first time I felt that mainline Halo actually had competent storytelling was Halo 4. Bungie are great at world building and lore but awful storytellers (Destiny, anyone?). Bungie always seemed afraid to give any of its characters any real human…
This is the blessing and the curse of cross media promotion. So much of the missing peices, lie in other media, comics, movies, books, pod casts, etc.
I can sum up the issue with modern Halo games in one sentence: you have to read the books to enjoy them. The Halo 4 campaign blew me away, and is probably my favorite of all the Halo games. Why? Because I read the Forerunner Saga and it was amazing to see such a pivotal character as the Didact in action. Everything…
I might be in the minority here but I’m preferring the story in the 343i games than the Bungie ones. Bungie had the big space opera feel but everything was very cliche; genocidal enemy, humans are the underdog, you play the ultimate soldier.
What is this fun concept you speak of?