
All these dickheads look exactly the same.

I’m not exaggerating when I say the country needs this right now.

That subset of gamer culture will never accept the consequences of such speech simply because they don’t care. What I’m hoping is YouTubers with something to lose speak out against PDP - I’m not counting on it, however.

It’s just that in practically every thread about the movie, some wiseass will bring up the scene like it’s the first time anyone’s mentioned the damn thing.

I may have to break my chickenshit habit of waiting for any horror movie I want to see to be released digitally. Goddamnit I do a hate jumps scares, though, and It looks like it’s full of em.

That works, though I’m from the “A little from column A...” school.

Murphy’s style of character-driven weirdness works for this project. He’ll get up to some freaky shit.

The prayer line lady is obviously a fan of Scottish folk singer, Donovan.

My first few comments under Kinja started in the gray, but this last one went up into the non-grays immediately. It’s a wonderfully intuitive system all told.

The EW photo looks like a still from a video game cut scene.

I laughed my tits off at this. This clip actually needs to be accompanied by a Latin chorus, like the one from The Omen.

Whatever keeps him out of making decisions that actually impact peoples’ lives.

Am I Gandalf the Grey?

I like anything that pokes a hole or two in Rick's super awesome mega-genius nihilist philosophy. I enjoy the show, but its constant empty cynicism in how Rick deals with the world is my least favorite aspect of it.

Yikes, those blurbs are not kind. Saw that coming right down the old pike, though- 95 minutes, shit screenwriter, making the movie a battle between Roland and MiB instead of a long-form character study about one man's single-minded mission, which you weren't going to get over one 95-minute movie.

ToD is the worst of the original trilogy, but still very enjoyable - it's darker tone is different from anything in the series. Plus that sweet, sweet 80s casual racism.

I expected an AV Club-style snarky evisceration, but Tony does a nice job here explaining what the hell the filmmakers may have been aiming for with such a crass, artless money grab.

What bothers me about South Park-type cynicism is how easy it is for its adherents to ignore the problems that don't impact them. Parker and Stone have layers of protection against the issues they're happy to handwave - be it racism, LGBT rights, or whatever - so of course they can ride the "Each side is as bad as the

There's nothing more boring than empty, fuck-you cynicism. It's the coward's way out.

Definitely maybe.