
The Attitude Era crowds were loud and raucous w/o all the chanting and trying to get themselves noticed. I blame WWE for encouraging that behavior, actually.


It would be nice of Lesnar said a word or two now and again. As intimidating as his Nazi neanderthal body-builder persona is, there's only so many ways Heyman can package another 'my client is an unstoppable beast' promo.

I'm guessing they'll keep Reigns as a bland tweener, especially considering they made a point of reading his tweet about respecting Taker, etc etc. Lots of rumors have Reigns taking the belt at next year's WM over Lesnar, so read that as you will.

Roman had one of his best promos in a 'hardcore' city a few weeks ago, and it got the fans riled. Last night I would have loved to hear him say a bit more, along the line of "I buried your boy and there's nothing you can do about it." Fin. He'd be way over as a smug heel, as long as his promos were kept short and

It took an entire season of television to get to 9 minutes of fighting back against the Saviors. The problem with TWD in a nutshell is it thinks it's a character-driven show. TWD works best with plot momentum and action. The Saviors war should have started 3 episodes ago, and could still cliffhang into next year

That would have been so typical. It's sad to say, but a poorly staged gunfight saved the finale from being a total waste of an hour and 25 minutes.


It should just be a combined eagle, Roman bust, American flag and anime character, because literally anyone with one of those avatars is an asshole.

933 other people, apparently. Well, 934 now after this comment goes live, baby.

Said this in another post, but the last 200 or so pages of VII was King in top form. I agree the Red King was wasted, but I enjoyed his short on-page villain turn. My real problem was the clumsy meta silliness from the previous couple books. The end of VII saved the series in my estimation.

The connections are pretty vague and metapyhsical, so I'm doubting we'll see any easter egg type stuff linking the films.

I wish they cut it off there and didn't give the full Pennywise reveal. Him bustling out of the water like that looks a little silly.

Yeah, King was obviously exorcising some demons in those last few books, and I didn't like one bit the meta storytelling of 5 and 6. But the last couple hundred pages of 7 really nailed the magic of what made me love the story in the first place.

I liked the Dark Tower ending, I mean damn, was there any way that could have ended that woulda satisfied people. Roland was a tragic character and the ending fit that.

Not bad…I want to hear what this version of Pennywise sounds like. What creeped me out in the book version was how King described PW as having a perfectly pleasant way of speaking. Tim Curry was great, but he was certainly going for more of a campy vibe.

As much as I like the Americans' slow burn, I was a bit restless during this episode myself. Having the Mischa plot taking place separately from everything else has thrown off the last two weeks for me. I'm expecting things to pick up once he gets to DC.

He is wearing the Spider-Man costume, though. I dig it!

Stop pulling back the curtain!

I don't know the Spider-Man comics very well, so if I may - what's so off about the teaser poster?