
Good or bad, the 'childhood running' reaction for these reboots/revivals/sequels needs to stop. Did Star Wars prequels ruin the OT for you? If anything, they magnified how great the original still is. Same with Indy 4, RoboCop, shitty Die Hard sequels and so on. Hollywood is going to vomit out these reboots; that's

I hear this is playing on a loop on Trump's private jet.

Boo to your cynicism! And we all call it 'Ride Along 2' so I have no idea what you're trying to pull there.

I read that scene at a tender age, so it was the first time I saw the word 'clit' in print. Fun!

Good luck with that!

I don't know where the hospital is!

How about 'Fun Buddies.' Everyone could enjoy that!

'Coral' is so 2015.

I enjoyed the shit out of tonight, superhero antics aside. Finally, we see the crew being assertive and fighting to stay in one place. Building a larger world for the inevitable conflict against Negan. I give tonight a 'B' for making Gabriel useful and interesting.

Zack has actually been quite kind to the show this season. You read him at the wrong time, it seems.

Duly noted!

I'm interested to see how this does box-office wise. I love superhero/action pap (just watched John Wick -twas great) but not sure if want to sit through 108 minutes of what I assume is meme humor and creative swearing.

For this flick, B- is the philistine's A.

I'm in Ohio and remember the Red Green Show as well. We also used to get Ch. 10 out of Toronto (I think) and there was a kids' show called Mr. Dressup, which i took for a Canadian Mr. Rogers.

As much as I like Darin Morgan episodes ("Clyde Bruckman" is probably my favorite all-time ep) this one leaned into the absurdity a little too much for my taste. But there were some extremely enjoyable moments, including:

A regular Algonquin Roundtable you're forming over here!

"I don't know who that is." - Jacqueline Bouvier

It *was* weird seeing M/S duded up again and investigating cases like no time had passed. not a deal-breaker, but it bugged me throughout the ep.

I enjoyed Rygel and Chiana for the most part. Stark got on my nerves, though :)

The Gothamist review of Cloverfield had a headline of "Run, yuppie, run."