
Not the greatest opener in the history of diplomacy.

Dem crazy dames! Whatta ya gonna do?

In Jack & Jill there's a literal ad for Royal Caribbean cruise ships. Sandler is long past giving a shit.

Why is there not a brand new action franchise centered around Dwayne Johnson…and I'm not talking about F&F where he's part of an ensemble. The man has yards of charisma and let's face it..that's one fine looking slab o' horsemeat there.

Lots of imagination on display here,but a wee bit to random and wacky for my tastes.

Krusty is coming, Krusty is coming.

Well, shit. Fukunaga would have given IT a touch of the surreal which would been perfect for the nightmarish ministrations of Pennywise. Get Darabont on this, stat!

I'm hoping there's a way forward for her, and I have no doubt she's going to spell Ramsay's end before this season is over. But I have not loved how far they've walked back the character to this point.

They are definitely worse. I prefer "SJW" whining to smug dismissiveness.

Sam is obviously a BETA BLUE PILL CUCK

He meant 'wacking place.'

Wasn't it one site that was complaining about portrayal of men in this film? And it was from a shithead writing on Roosh fucking V's site, and said shithead hadn't even seen the movie at the time of publication?

To that point there's a certain gatekeeping among 'nerds' as their passions find a wider audience. That could explain why a very vocal contingent don't take kindly to critique, because they fear critique from that wider, unwelcome audience will lead to change within their favorite hobby.

I look at nerd culture in a more classic sense, especially when following the pissy flailings of GamerGate over the last year. That is, too many of today's nerds are undersocialzed, creepy assholes.

My superpower would be a really bendy thumb.

But…but I saw Avengers twice in one week while at the SAME TIME read 'Rainey Royal,' a VERY IMPORTANT novel about a girl growing up with her neglectful jazz musician father in the 70s. How could I have digested these two antithetical pop culture entities at once, while at the same time keeping up with the news. I'm

"Chaos is a ladder." Dude knows what he's doing.

This 'piece' is my making me 'think' about how the show treats Sansa. So that's how that works!

what's yr tumblr do you have a kik lol

Sansa's nature is already harder as evidenced by her standing up for herself against Myranda. She doesn't need to be a seductress, perhaps, but a scene of her fear turning to resolve when Ramsay orders Theon to stay could have been very effective. As in, 'i'm not doing this unless Reek GTFO."