Kia had a similar recall for their 2.4 for the same problem. How do you miss cleaning out machining debris on an engine production line?
Kia had a similar recall for their 2.4 for the same problem. How do you miss cleaning out machining debris on an engine production line?
Half a year ago, Ubisoft released Assassin’s Creed Origins. It was in some ways the most ambitious Assassin’s Creed…
There’s an easier fix than that — remember, Burnham was just told that going back the way the Defiant did would drive everyone on the ship insane.
Also the opposite - internet bands together to crowdsource a plot, thinks being unsuccessful means the real version told the story wrong.
The Internet bands together to crowd-source what’s going to happen on a TV show; Is disappointed when successful.
None of what you just said happened, happened. Yeesh. Have you actually read any of the documentation?
Whether UBC should or shouldn’t have acted as it did isn’t the point here. Atwood (and many others, the signatories list reads like a who’s who of Canadian literature) believed UBC’s actions were unfair and they simply called on UBC to be more transparent. You can find the letter online.
She wrote it, as she spells out in the same letter, not simply in support of her friend. Rather, he was fired by his university without any of the charges being made public and without ever being convicted of any crime. Atwood and many other Canadian writers signed a letter a few years ago protesting how he was fired…
Yes. And that last sentence of yours wasn’t even necessary because I qualified my first sentence with the rest of the paragraph.
Shh. Don’t tell the commentariat that this show is and always has been a televised comic book. It is supposed to be “Serious Television” with “Deep Themes.”
Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: If These Suck My Lawyer Wrote Them Edition
Same. After we find out about his son, along with everything else I was like “someone help this poor man,” LOL.
As far as I understand it, the understanding of pedophilia in the late 70's was that it was sexual perversion akin to (and often intertwined with) homosexuality. I suppose this takes place after some (limited) mass exposure to LGBT issues in the general population, but the understanding is certainly going to be…
He’s like a giant, sequence killer John Hodgman.
For real though. “Psycho Killer” cracked me up. Lighten up, reviewer.
This stupid fucking hipster-than-thou griping about the music is giving me rage-fits. I give up, unless or until someone else covers this show.
I honestly feel so spoiled right now. I obviously knew we’re watching a killer, but I had no idea who it was supposed to be, and was looking forward to the reveal. I know a wee bit about serial killers and BTK, but I hadn’t put it together or even thought that hard about it. The show is obviously waiting to reveal it…
Your contempt for this show makes your reviews thoroughly unenjoyable to read.
I’ve been at this site over 7 years, and while I usually don’t complain about the reviewers, even when I don’t agree with them, I have to say that this has been some sloppy criticism. I mean that in the professional way, because if something isn’t working for you than fine, that’s your subjective prerogative, but I…
The season should have ended with Robin Wright jumping into the air off a shield held by the secret service & shooting Kevin Spacey with three arrows.