
This is the exact same issue that Hyundai had with their Theta II engines

I agree! I don’t think the things she says and does are completely unreasonable for a post grad sociology student. She spends her academic life examining how people behave and she likes applying that in her personal life. I enjoy the way in the early episodes she’s constantly challenging Holden, constantly putting

Are you trying to say that Holden is quoting the real life person that his character is based on??

You mean ahead in the TOS days, Discovery takes place about 100 years before TOS (and about 100 years after ENT where Klingons look mostly like they do in TNG/DS9/VOY)

Deep Space 9 comes off as a “well lit rec room” to you?

Montreal might have something to say about this...

Travis Mayweather on Enterprise was born and raised on a cargo ship

I laughed so hard when that happened! I had to show it to my partner later

There may never have actually been a real Ragnar Lothbrok (or Lodbrok) so they might as well play fast and loose with the timeline too

Pretty sure you mean geographical. Unless you’ve just been waiting through this whole series for someone to start talking about rock strata

Similarly, Picard resumed command right after being rescued from the Borg. You know, when he was turned into a cyborg, joined to a hive mind, and forced to destroy his own people. Picard even seems to be suffering from PTSD from there on but hey I’m sure he’s ready to get back to his extremely demanding job.

People said the same thing about TNG for the first couple seasons

Neither Burnham or Tyler are members of Discovery’s bridge crew

A cartoonish character is out of place in a show based on a comic book?

The war with the Dominion was inevitable the moment they learned about the wormhole and the existence of the Federation on the other side of it. The Dominion’s stated purpose is to bring order to the universe. They do so by conquering it. Whether or not the Federation stayed on their side of the wormhole from that

Shouldn’t have taken that long. There’s nowhere to go but up from “I hope you have your shittin’ pants on”

Season 2 was quite possibly the worst season of this show...

You must have stopped watching after season 2

The plan was not to take prisoners

Skulls are pretty strong, if he got the forehead it might not have had the desired effect. Though this is TWD where a fresh zombie has a skull that’s about as hard to pierce as a grapefruit so maybe that doesn’t matter.