
It's called Long Claw if you were wondering that as well

And rolls on chrome dubs!

He may not have any mental illness that anyone other than he could have, but David is not a mentally stable being.

It was very poorly edited. A good battle scene should follow the important characters and essentially tell the story of the battle for each of them. This was just a bunch of rapid cuts flashing around throughout the combat. It was very difficult to follow until the final scene with Euron, Yara, and Theon.

The death rate from an intestinal anthrax infection is 25-60%. So it's entirely reasonable that some of them would survive. They would however probably not be bouncing back from the infection a day later

I believe the reviewer was suggesting the Clarks join Walker and help him take over the ranch, so they would still have all the resources in that case

The age of consent is also 16 in all of Canada. It was 14 until 2008. There's also a "close in age" provision. The age of consent can be down to 14 if the other person is no more than 5 years older. So 14 with a 19 year old is legal here

The undead giant is a wight, not a white walker

Mr Robot had a stellar first season!

I'm right handed but left eye dominant. Found that out from an instructor at a shooting range

The asshole doing the experiments getting pulled through the drywall was one of the best zombie deaths I've seen in a while.

Not really, the planet itself will be fine no matter what us humans do to it. It's just that we may very well make it an inhospitable place for ourselves and quite a number of other species. Which could lead to societal collapse.

Nick didn't say his brother gets disability. He said his brother scammed a few months of disability.

Without the existence of males the concept of feminism wouldn't exist either

I haven't read the novel so I can only speak to what's presented on screen. In the show she's both complicit in the creation of this society and a victim of it simultaneously. I won't be a bit surprised if at some point we see her start to push back against the society she helped create.

Treating a large group of individuals as a monolith is nonsense. Saying all Trump voters are racist is no different than saying all Muslims want to oppress women.

She's also a victim of this society

Are you saying that Jesus is going to be coming back looking for guns? Or are they stockpiling guns to protect themselves from Jesus?

Gus' mistake was trying to insert himself into Mickey and her father's relationship to try and fix things the first time he ever met her father. That wasn't his place. Just like it wasn't his place to try to stand up to Mickey's father on her behalf, that's on Mickey.

I'm with you on the vast majority of what you said except for, "letting her emotionally abusive father take them both to a bar". That's on Mickey, not Gus. This was the first time Gus had ever met Mickey's dad and he knew virtually nothing about him previously. It's not up to him to dive in between them. In fact that