
Then you're just agreeing with instances of objective morality that happen to be in the bible. I can agree with some of the instances of morality in the Simpsons without believing in Krusty.

Even news about Jane Austen is boring.

Even news about Jane Austen is boring.

I'm surprised how vehemently you're arguing for a world without consequences. The pay cut had nothing to do with balancing the budget. These executives are responsible for the security and long term viability of the company. If their actions aren't resulting in net profits they should be given corrective action. Look

Well you're attempting to make the argument some insults are worse than others, problem is it's entirely subjective. You're offended by the word retard and everyone else in the world is more or less offended by idiosyncratic as well as cultural reasons. Your complaint has been noted.

When is it ok to be mean to anyone?

As someone who previously worked with mentally disabled people and is an English major, you're fighting a losing battle. As was already pointed out, many insults are derived from medical terminology and will continue to do so. As soon as mentally disabled becomes stigmatized they'll be called something else and the

As someone who previously worked with mentally disabled people and is an English major, you're fighting a losing battle. As was already pointed out, many insults are derived from medical terminology and will continue to do so. As soon as mentally disabled becomes stigmatized they'll be called something else and the

One of my professors and probably one of the lost intelligent people I met was a Russian soldier before getting his PhD in English Language. He knew everything about not only grammar and structure but the phonetics and linguistics. His take on grammar police (read in Yakov Smirnov voice): the importance of structure

Aside from A&E (which I'm not convinced is not a publicity stunt) the backlash to me seems mostly non-existent and imagined. Of course some dumb hick thinks dumb shit. Isn't that the whole point of the show? How amusingly backwards these people are and yet it's as if anyone can find some common ground with them.

Shut up and take my money!

I thought capsaicin was supposed to be good for you.