
I admit I get pretty toxic on OW at times with my sarcastic “Great job last round guys, the healers-dps strategy and everybody flanking is a winner, it just wasn’t our match, but don’t let that stop you from trying again!” etc. But I’ve got an embarrassing amount of hours in that game (and so does my GF) and I’ve had

I spent $17 on a used Tricentennial edition and the Atom Store codes were still valid. Been enjoying the game very much so far. Met a bunch of cool people who helped me at early levels. Now I pay it forward and drop items for new players. Great community. 

Symmetra is still p great. 

I loved Stephen Biesty’s Incredible Cross Sections so much as a kid. I ordered Castles for my son when he was born from a reseller online and it turned out to be a reissued version with photographs jammed in and sections missing.

I see this as a double edged sword. As I was flying to my base after scanning animals and plant life and harvesting minerals some rando joined my game just to a shoot me out of the sky for no reason. I love the NEXT update and like playing as an exloder/building SIM. I’d like to opt out of the Space Pirate RPG. 

I’d like to point out that you can alter the outcome of the performances by heckling. You can also be the one to shoot the bullet he catches in his teeth...or stomach depending on your aim. 

I’ve never set out to find Koroks, but as I wander aimlessly around the landscape I typically find several which has translated into a larger inventory. I avoid fights with Bokoblins and Moblins when I can, I usually engage with Lynels just to get their gear. If I’m wanting for better weapons I’ll drop back into a

I really loved HzD’s story and the battle mechanics were fun but also get very repetitive quickly. In the end it felt like more of a grind than anything. I play BoTW still at fairly regular intervals just to relax. My 7 year old will ask to watch me play sometimes. 

Why are there not more studios organized as worker coops? Seems like tech would have lower costs of entry and scaling than other industries. Hell, with Google hangouts the staff could work from home.

Eh, I’d say there are more soldiers in Leavenworth than cops. 

“The GOP wants tax cuts and protection for elites...” uh, both parties want this. The GOP merely panders to people on a narrow set of social issues and the Democrats pander to people on a narrow set of other social issues. 

What surprises me is that nobody has pointed out how this is a $2B PR spend immediately following the democratic socialists (rightfully) sharpening their pitchforks and putting Amazon and Walmart in their cross hairs.

In that case, by definition you’re not hoarding it. Putting it in the stock market is still just hoarding it, unless it’s the rare case where you’re actually buying stock directly from the company (which I presume still requires a middleman in most if not all cases) that provides them working capital. 

I respectfully disagree. When millions of people are homeless and starving it’s unethical and immoral to hoard a billion dollars.

You criticize society and yet you are a part of society. I am very smart.”

My girlfriend is the same way. Expiration dates are more like guidelines IMHO, either from companies afraid of the overt litigious or wanting to sell you more than what you need. I imagine the amount of perfectly edible food thrown away is downright immoral. 

Stardew Valley and the Harvest Moon series that preceded it. Build mode in the Sims, and just wandering aimlessly in Breath of the Wild. 

Trust me, they get it. They dgaf.

And yet, they believe they’re still not rich enough so they are trying to figure out how to convince half the poors it’s the other half’s fault. 

We should ignore these people online. Their identity is wrapped up in anti-intellectualism. If they’re pissing people off it only serves to reaffirm their bias and their persecution complexes.