
Moving a couch up there would suck...

Here's the thing, Mr. Peter Jackson: I waited all my goddamn life since reading The Hobbit as a little kid to see a massive epic representation of Smaug kicking Lake Town's ass. I loved the LOTR trilogy and knew The Hobbit was coming someday. Even better, when I heard Guillermo del Toro was going to be in charge of

Has anyone reached his black best friend for a comment?

HEE, I'm now picturing the ghost of someone who died during the heyday of MySpace and is now befuddled as to why their ghostly transmissions are never being seen or acknowledged.

A lot of folks these days have data and time management issues. I get it how someone could feel an urge to make a video like this one here. I would have expected some surprise element or actual content, though.

So they made the RL version of Princess Monster Wife

I was definitely thinking "Vincent Van GoPro"

Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

Who hurt you?

One thing I've noticed in heterosexual situations:

Dear #NotAllMen,

dearest good friend:

you know, I prefer the Mako Mori test more since it provides a better threshold.

(Luke and Wedge are sitting at a table on Tattooine)

Ben Linus from Lost. From the first episode he appeared in, I told my wife, "His character is going to be awesome."

I hate n00bs who use the 'I'm a scientist on Mars' excuse when I frag them.