
RE: the Facebook status attached to this, "Well, that escalated quickly" is on the fast track to becoming the most misquoted line since "Luke, I am your father" and "Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well."

I really wish the Pacific Northwest and BC would get together and push a legitimate Cascadia secession movement.

I remember back in the 80s when maps of Europe and Asia were really simple to remember, because there were only like 6 countries. You damn kids nowadays with your shifting borders and political turmoil and your rock n' roll music...

How is it that the artist put so much detail into her shapely ass, hips, and back, but her lips look like she's just been stung by a bee?

Now playing

No sir, I don't think I have any use for rubber nipples!

It's weird that I can tell that's xkcd from a scribble and a couple words.

Damn, the magic is ruined. I saw 'Edward Penishands' on the shelf years ago when I worked at a Blockbuster, and always envisioned he had 10 finger-penises in the way Edward had scissor-fingers in the original. I'm disappointed that he just appears to have two huge dickfists.

I think these days, any author who would even slightly be willing to adapt their series into TV or film should be writing with adaptability in mind. For example, a chapter per scene is a good ratio, or at least sub-chapters/segments. That's not to say it should be a 1:1 ratio, as there's a ton of descriptive text and

"The Amount of Wine Spilled in This Disaster Will Make You Cry. Sommeliers HATE it!"

I didn't realize until just now that I want to see a steampunk Star Wars.

Thing is, if every woman followed this idiot brodude's advice and didn't attend their frat parties, him and all his idiot brodude friends would be whining about how there are no chicks at their parties, brah.

"King Zombie"? Looks more like a Draugr to me.

You know how operas are sprawling epics about dramatic character interactions amid a backdrop of cultural and political strife? Yeah, that. It's not just singing, it's a storytelling method.

I'm trying to picture scenarios where two stoners eat a tray of pot brownies and lazily try to grope each other against the other's will, and all of them are hilarious.

I'm cautiously optimistic, since I haven't liked a Silent Hill game since Team Silent split up. It's got some great names behind it, and I'll probably play it anyway, but nobody's ever quite captured the feeling and atmosphere of Silent Hill 1-3 since... well, Silent Hill 1-3.

If we get a Gabriel Knight reboot/sequel/update/remake of any kind, I will be happy. GK was my second favorite 1990s Cajun badass.

Meh, it's an origin story. She'll get tougher as the series goes on, in fact she got braver within the game, which is her character arc. I find Lara's personification more immersive than Nathan Drake, who casually murders hundreds of people while making snarky comments. I mean yeah they're all bad guys, but even

By 0:45 I was in awe. By 1:30 I was crying.

I always wondered if it would be possible to create a machine that only creates a 10% sized version of itself. Given enough materials, would you eventually have tiny atom-sized machines?

Watch these students use this one WEIRD TRICK to promote vaccinations! Anti-Vaxxers HATE them!