
It just might help break the good ole’ boys cycle. Someone wrote a good little blurb on Bob Bradley trying to break into European Coaching(not that he’s amazing or anything) but also on how hard it is for anyone to get into managing without having some name recognition or someone taking a wild chance on you.

I think my other account is blocked(though i dont know why).

I expect nothing less from a guy who believes he’s entitled to what he wants. He was practically brought up to be an alcoholic(yes I know there is some genetic predisposition).

Jill Bolte Taylor’s presentation is full of pseudoscientific, buy-my-book nonsense. Radiates energies? You probably believe in the healing power of crystals and homeopathy and snake oil and bullshit. A fool and his money...

You should just wear a shirt that says, “I’m a giant douche!”

If you’re going to name drop, at least drop names of places that are somewhat good. Your list is a list of shitholes in a town with much better food places than that. Now, go complain on another website while you search for Warby Parkers. Skinny Jeans and Beard Balm on your MacBook while writing the Novel of your


Fuck, Billy you suck at writing everything!

Ah, the I hate the place i used to live type person. Cool story.

reach in and grab the edge of a chip and pull

the messier the better

How do you even eat that? Do you cut yourself a slice with a knife and put it on a plate with a pie server?

I gladly take your Chacho’s Monster Kong Nachos.

Great story, douchebag!

I’ve only been to Chacho’s twice (I live in Dallas, we don’t have it up here) but I can see why you’d feel that way. It was delicious. Now that I know the nacho situation there I’ll have to make a point of going back next time I’m down south.

I don’t know. Looks like they jip you on the queso.

that drink t00... in case u somehow needed convincing that this is no aberration in portion sizes in the 210... god bless tejas...

Billy cannot see your facts. Thus the shit above in word form, a.k.a. “a blog” in the loosest sense of the term possible.

Billy is a shit for brains soccer writer, he cannot see your point.

Boy, this site really doesn’t know what a horrible writer they have, do they?