
So wait, based on that assessment, Draymond Green is also a YMCA hack as he twice tried to pop Adams’ balls and once tried to separate Adams’ shoulder.

Just cooked my breakfast on my computer screen.

It was chorizo and egg tacos. Burned my tongue... it was a bit hot.

I read this book not long ago based entirely on the title.

The title is misleading and the content is sub-par. I put down the book expecting to have learned something but just found myself just wondering what book to read next.

Normally Zlatan Ibrahimović goals are worth watching over and over again because of how awesome they are. This is not one of those.

I like to rag on Spurs as much as the next guy, but the style of writing just made it completely unfunny.

Manning: Like Forrest Gump said, “I got you some ice cream.” Just kidding. It’s my balls in your face.

The question really just came out wrong. What he meant to ask was:

Gollum: not the only hideous troll with a double-L in his name!

I can’t stop laughing at how he runs towards the basket at the end.

The sharpness of his physical being echoes the status of his mind.

Maybe if Rovell didn’t spend all his waking hours hunched over his phone, he wouldn’t have the posture and general physique of a man who has very recently been cryogenically unfrozen.

Can’t stop watching this for some reason.

They are called grants in the Ivy League and are need-blind... and they make some notes saying “athlete.” I’ve coached a couple Ivy League Lacrosse players who got Full-Ride to Ivy schools(although full ride is not 100% full ride in ivy league schools).

Wait, you think the guys he sees a majority of everyday have no clue or haven’t been informed in a team meeting that a team member has been dismissed? That’s pretty much standard operating procedure. Or they notice and say stuff like, “Hey, coach, why isn’t so-n-so running this play with first team? Actually, I

You really believe they don’t know? They know. They know, and they’re showing their public support because sports are more important than women to them. If their speech is fine and dandy so is that of the Women’s Center.

I’ve been forced to sell the popcorn. It is better than average, but it is popcorn. How good can it be? At $25 a bag? Add in the fact that I have a son that looks and talks like a 13 year old Lucca Brazzi and you can imagine how the sales roll in.

GSoA are doing something right. Boy Scouts, on the other hand, are running a racket. BSoA sell $25 bags of carmel/other flavors popcorn. 18 years ago is was like $5 a bag and that was to make profit (profit margin bolstered by free labor of the BSoA).

“...his genitals came flying out of his shorts while trying to beat five seconds.”

You used a specific diet but you never bothered to learn how to combine that with a proper workout?

Have you been to a pickup court recently? He’s definitely making every 15-year old in America worse.