
What, you’re telling me you don’t care for his articles about soccer players and the “adorable” pj's they're wearing?

That’s a hot taek, guy.

Billy can’t tell the difference between _____ and _____. (fill in anything). He can’t take a hint or tip. My tip to him has been STOP WRITING.


Not sure I get “he’s from London, thus he’s an Arsenal fan.” I mean, Chelsea play in London too, as do Tottenham, West Ham, Crystal Palace, and several teams who are currently in lower leagues but have been in the Prem. Am I missing a joke here? (Probably.)

I see no reason why she would mislead so I trust her 100%.

Interesting. You learn something new(if you’re right) every day.

Except Billy. Billy hasn’t learned he’s a horrible fucking writer.

Please stop, Billy. I will pay you to stop from ever using a computer again. 10x what Deadspin is paying you.

The easy answer to the question, “Why are some people booing the moment of silence?” is that some people hold different views on different topics like the people above. I mean, look at gawker commenters.


WOAH WOAH WOAH. My wife is Turkish and with that her family/friends are Turkish and I know many of them. One of her cousins posted this earlier today:

You have successfully merged ass backward podunk racist(not that you said anything racist) hick and pretentious antiegalitarian douche into one person with some of the best worst writing ever. Congratulations Diane Roberts whom I can’t direct my comment to as it defaults to Alex Belth when I hit reply.

You started with

“Liking the same things people I look down upon like makes me feel conflicted and sad”

It’s the preferred sport of Republicans, climate-change deniers, Christian fundamentalists, and people who think every American foreign policy issue can be solved by the 101st Airborne. The game’s in bed (possibly not quite the right term) with fundamentalist Christianity, anti‑intellectualism, and retrograde ideas

During football season, you are either with us or against us. College football harks back to a never‑never time of moral clarity, a time when we didn’t need to think, just cheer, when we cherished our prejudices. .

Listen, I’m an academic too — a historian, actually (btw please don’t with the affected English “an”). And a rabid football fan. And I have to tell you, the smug elite/popular aesthetic you open this piece with is infuriating. Just...get over yourself. Every time I scroll back up to re-read a sentence, I find another

This is good Kinja.

+1 for the Billy comment as he banned me from commenting on Screamer after I kept pointing out facts that showed he was talking gibberish.

You should take over Grierson & Leitch’s job writing about movies. They suck as much as Billy does blogging typing things about soccer.

G & L loved the Steve Jobs movie(A+++++++, their highest rating ever) but hated ______(fill in best movie ever made).

lol oh please, it’s so fake. behind the scenes he is a lecherous drunk.

This is equal to or worse than Billy’s product as a soccer writer blogger.