
Not really. Seriously though, this season was far better than last. The Defenders and Luke Cage are going to be great.

"Wow how unbecomingly pretentious and judgmental of you, Jessica. Adults don't judge other people by what they fucking majored in."

This season was far superior to the last one. It was more tightly plotted, it was paced better, it gave the secondary cast more interesting stuff to do. The dialogue was sharper. Kingpin actually did some Kingpin shit and acted like the god damn Kingpin. Nothing that contains a ninja army deserves less than a C+. You

It's a great show. The reviewer is a dipshit. It's not perfect, but no show is.


Sue Storm should have been black. There is no logical reason for her not to be other than Hollywood racism. Hollywood is just now getting comfortable with black men as romantically desirable. They don't think the same way of black women.

"Shortly afterwards, Kim Dylla picked up his torch as the blood-lactating Vulvatron, making history as the only female member of GWAR."

There were fatalities in the drug lab bust, but not directly by Robocop. All of them were friendly fire by the bad guys themselves.

That's actually more plausible than the photo with Jack at the end.

Do you know who was a Christ figure? Pro wrestler Sting.

He doesn't believe in mercy or forgiveness?

The more theories I read about The Shining, the more I take that movie at face value. I always thought the indian attack line was more about establishing the hotel's violent history.

I wonder if Jesus just hangs out in Heaven, forcing God to make critics into dipshits so everyone will think that everything is all about him.

And here I spent most of my life thinking Robocop was an unsubtle satire of the excesses of the 80's. Boy was I wrong now that I learned that Robocop was all about the Jesus.

So their entire reasoning for The Shining was based on two lines and the Fourth of July in the photo.

It is incredibly tame and a little creepy at times as well. But that's fine.

I still consider him a minor hero of mine.

You can't punch down at Chris Christie. You have to wait until he opens his mouth and then you punch up which will stun him. Once he is stunned, you can punch him in the belly until you knock him down.

I think its a clue to next season.

"Jesus Christ, it's Rapid City all over again."