
No shout out to Homicide: Life on the Street's awesome title? I call bullshit on that.

The Prankster?

There are things such as bears and wolves and mountain lions. So yeah, if I live in rural America or anytime before 1950, I'm keeping my goddam gun.

This new layout has given me cancer and now Samantha Bee thinks I'm a neo-nazi.

Maybe people should stop making snap judgments based on appearance. Or labeling all conservatives a neo-nazi.

I'm going to point out that AVClub was a part of the bullying and shaming of Ken Bone. So AVClub, you are a hypocritical piece of shit.

Wiping her ass on sacred rocks is insensitive and stupid, but calling her a casual racist for it is a bit much. Ozzy pissing on the Alamo didn't make him anti-American.

Every time I read about about bunch of white supremacists/MRAs/whatever boycotting something, it always turns out to be one guy on Twitter. Or a blog that gets thirty hits a year.

She lost Wisconsin.

Maybe they promised to bring meth.

Can AVclub replace most of its TV reviewers with this guy?

Basically Cartman is Devin Faraci. A piece of shit masquerading as an ally.

Season 3 was half a good season, one quarter a mediocre season and one quarter of a shit season. Problem is, the shit part of the season was at the end and overshadowed the rest of it. Season 4 was worse. But 5 looks promising.

"“Safe Space” fell into the trap of misunderstanding what safe spaces actually are."

It's such a tired ass device and the only part of Stranger Things that felt off to me. She had no character whatsoever. She existed simply to be the wet blanket and then get eaten. I really don't get what people are so wrapped up in about this character.

Fuck Barb. She was a horrible friend.

Well, no one is going to pay to see it.

Well, the Clintons are corrupt scumbags. The problem is, Hilary is not very good at corruption.

That VJ sounds like a world class asshole. I say this as someone who hates nu-metal as well. Grow a set and listen to real metal for Christ's sake.

Funny, she didn't look Drew-ish.