
Well, it could be worse. It could be raining.

That was the Romantic Gothic style of the time. Novels were supposed to be like that with sub plots having sub plots. Mathew Lewis' The Monk had numerous sub plots in it that did take away from the impact of the main story a bit. It was expected and a lot of writers who probably should have streamlined their novels a

Browning's silent films are far superior to his sound films. The Unknown is as fantastic film.

That is the one, tiny glimmer of hope that I have for this movie. As soon as Ben Affleck got involved I immediately thought, "thank God, he'll hire an actual professional writer to at least fix the script."

Don't rage at Zack Snyder, rage at David Goyer whose responsible for this grimdark bullshit.

Really good conditioner.

A job as a DC writer.

Is there any character that the New 52 hasn't completely screwed up?

Well, they are already ripping off Captain Cold with their Freeze design.

Americans do tend to prefer tighter storytelling. The taste comes from early serials and the straight forward, hard-boiled literary style of the pulps. I think the problem is that they are assuming everyone is going to binge watch since its on Netflix, so if an episode drags so be it, even if it might hurt the forward

It's a really good show, but like every Netflix original series I've watched, probably could do with some narrative tightening. It has a tendency to drag a bit, like Daredevil did. However, Ritter and Tenant are great in it.

There was a Quantum Leap episode where a leaped into a person with down's syndrome. His first line is, "I'm retarded?"

Well, they're doing a bang up job with that.

Yes, after showing the entire world what a bunch of assholes they are. Those people. I sympathize with their point, but they acted like assholes.

Melissa Click was an adult and she was one of the worst offenders in that damning video. It's not just college kids.

Well, you have that crazy lady and those college kids at Missouri throwing reporters our of a protest for the most incomprehensible reasons. The point of public protest is to attract attention for a cause, so they shit on the first amendment when it comes to the freedom of press in the very public space they are using

I'm sorry son, but Earth-2 needs me. I have to…."zoom" over there.

So basically this show is the latter seasons of SoA but somehow worse. Jesus, I'm glad I'm skipping this. I just watched Wolf Hall and started The Last Kingdom, so I'm good on my historical stuff for now.

I'm sorry that South Park isn't a liberal arts college.

I had completely forgotten that the blonde guy with curls existed in that show. Don't remember him at all.