My Work Has Been Described As Strongly Vaginal

Reading the NYT article about this made me sick. Not only was he being helped by powerful people to evade any consequences for his very well documented abuse of children (which was certainly illegal back then despite what he says), those same people were also deriding anyone who dared speak out against him. By all


“At the time, people talked of inciting a minor to debauchery, or indecent assault...But nobody ever spoke of crime,”

Exactly. “We think there is a man running a sex cult out of one of your properties.”

The PARENTS paid this guy for supposed debts and for fear of their children’s safety?!?

My first thought is that he must have spent years grooming his daughter to help with all this and the article supports that. As the leader of the friends group and the organizer for the housing, she probably picked his victims for him.

Don’t be cheap here--you know full well I didn’t use it to mean they’re paupers. No one deserves this shit. It doesn’t matter how much money they do or don’t have.

NXVIM has to be the most bizarre thing I’ve heard.

That is the thing about a health screening. Everyone it catches does not necessarily have the disease in question. But it’s one of those civil society things. Society depends on the innate decency of humans to tell the truth, then those honest humans suffer personal inconvenience for the greater good. Without that?

This is exactly how the zombie apocalypse happens (or any pandemic). People think that quarantine doesn’t apply to them and sure their symptoms are something minor, not the dangerous bug.

As someone who is immunocompromised, may I just say: I hope she gets an infected ingrown taint hair that doesn’t heal right for at least a month. 

All that rape, murder, and incest. Not to mention the supernatural and all the gaslighting. You’d think that would be the first on their list.

Please ban the bible.

“Suzie was assaulted at a party and is a victim of rape. The police took a look at what she was wearing and noticed that the high school football team was hosting the party and they are all from at least upper middle class, white families. They have a backlog of rape kits, anyway. Which of the probable suspects will

Do we even know if S1 was on the swim team?

I was going to say the accurate answer is that the rape kit will sit in limbo for 4-6 years, conveniently long enough for the statute of limitation to run out. 

I would accept that if felon didn’t explicitly mean that someone had been convicted of a crime. You’re not a felon until you’ve been convicted, and very few rapists ever see a courtroom (or an interrogation room), let alone a conviction. (The question, obviously, misuses “felon” as well, unless all three suspects have

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

“Sit next to me. Chat the whole flight”

I love that texting is the problem here