My Work Has Been Described As Strongly Vaginal

a request that may very well be to avoid a phobia

They also had the option to just not play it. Those interviews are taped for later broadcast. They aren’t live.

I did not leave it out. It’s in the graf after the 2015 Fresh Air excerpt.

“We don’t really understand why he left,”

Nope. He set clear boundaries, has reiterated them over and over AND OVVVVVVER. He said he doesn’t like it. He said he doesn’t want it. That is not being a fucking diva.

The fact that it’s 2019 and we have a 77 year old quiet racist dude who failed three times over the past 30 years, running on a campaign nicknamed “NO MALARKEY” should be reason enough to cancel him from everything except a private life. But never underestimate America’s unconditional love for white men no matter how

But that’s not what Eastwood and Affleck did. They literally changed critical facts for dramatic flair and passed their work off as “a true story” when it very much wasn’t.

Eastwood alone would bring that faction to theaters. Add in ‘fake news’ and they’ll pay twice for each ticket.

Scruggs, who died in 2001, did not sleep with someone to get the story, so the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is demanding the movie release a clear statement exonerating Scruggs.

Wilde continued, “It’s a basic misunderstanding of feminism as pious, sexlessness. It happens a lot to women; we’re expected to be one-dimensional if we are to be considered feminists. There’s a complexity to Kathy, as there is to all of us, and I really admired her.”

Protecting family is normal for most of us, royalty or not, but if I found out a relative or parent or sibling routinely engaged in raping underage sex trafficking victims I’d sure as shit step over to the other side. The queen and everyone in Andrew’s orb knew what he was doing, charge or no charge. The royal family

Because she is truly and completely out of touch all while her spin doctors are concocting these narratives about how “cool” and “modern” she is all because she let her grandsons marry who they wanted and she once drove around a Saudi dignitary who thought women shouldn’t drive.

Slight tangent (but still fitting with how I feel about douche canoes like these guys):

The thing that sucks about teaching (I am married to a teacher) is that it is assumed you will work for free. And they do. They are contracted for a specific number of hours per year, but everyone knows that the number of hours are insufficient for prep, professional development and instruction time. So they work a

Imagine dedicating a not insignificant portion of your time to trolling a blog.

Women are so dramatic and overly emotional about death threats.

“A common report we hear is of providers saying something like, ‘Were you yelling like that when you made this baby?’”

You notice his team’s defense is that Sonni’s version is “dramatic” and “one-sided”, but they’re not actually saying “false.”

He’s a man dating a woman half his age. Of course, he’s a controlling douchebag.

Set up a few stands at popular tourist destinations around the country, and you’re set for life.