
wow singing a white person’s about APPROPRIATION.

don’t bring this up to hill-bots if you value your life

you can judge someone but putting them on blast on twitter is a lousy thing to do


too soon, jezebel is still licking it’s wounds


this is such a dumb sentiment- “more representative of them as a whole person”? you dont even know anything about this person! you just want an image that squares your white hillary feminism.

i’ve long gotten past that fact

or how about blaming hillary who is running possibly the worst campaign in modern history and can’t even defeat the literal worst presidential candidate ever

haha your candidate is so shady she cant even beat a literal fascist

probably the one youre most likely to get molested in tbh

kinda defeats the purpose when you respond to it. musta struck a chord.

sorry, if hillary loses its her own fault. im not obligated to vote for anyone and no white feminist with a masters degree and a sudden concern for PoC can guilt me into doing otherwise.

jezebel needs to ask why a woman frowns when her father dies...whats your point

like maybe if you were on a show that bears your name where you interview people and are generally regarded as a phenomenal interviewer?? i dont know just a fucking guess.

we got pot bro!

i doubt magary’s keyboard even allows you to disable caps lock

you’re right! i was 14. but yeah, florida man, what a deep blue state. shoulda seen it coming.

that’s why dead and co tour was fun. mayer just wailin on strats, not singing his own songs. he’s in the studio with the continuum/trio guys now- i’m hoping some of the licks he picked up over the past year influence his new record.

i live in a deep blue state. i’m not voting for neo-con lite because her supporters tell me i have some moral obligation to. your candidate has run quite possibly the worst campaign in modern memory against easily the worst candidate in presidential history. if she loses, it’s her own fault.