
This is a hilarious comment and I love it. Kotaku seems to have an extra special hatred for it.

what a dumb fucking criticism to have about a word and by reading this site you automatically get enrolled in ‘gamers’ so keep on shitting on them, ‘name I stole from a comic book’

PSA: the terms hypothetical/hypothesised and theoretical/theorised are not interchangeable and have profoundly different meanings in the field of science.

Look, not to dismiss any of the criticism because honestly from what I’ve read I’ll probably agree with a lot of it, but my expectations are set firmly in the “this looks like a goofy kids movie” territory so as long as my kid enjoys it and I have a perfectly decent 90 minutes watching it with him I think that’s just

I’ve been trying to be more appreciative lately online, mostly by picking cool things that people say and telling them how much I like them.  You’re up.  From “feedback loop of consumerism and automation” to the Banks reference, I loved every single thing about your comment.  Just starring it wasn’t enough.  It was

Let’s see a show of hands for everyone fearing for the future of their careers. I think AI will be a double edged sword for humanity, it will improve the average person’s lives immeasurably, but it will also take the fun out of so many creative and technical hobbies and professions, to the point of stripping away

Does it have to be a pause? Can it be more of a stop?

I demand an immediate pause on Elon Musk, can we work on that first?

I decided that there’s nothing I really need to see anything live so I canceled cable. Next day is fine for everything I want to watch. 

That might be one of the dumbest looking trucks I have ever seen.

1. That trailer spoils all the best parts!

I was 9 when the movie came out so I probably saw it on HBO whenever it ran on there because I recall it being pretty new when I saw it. Even as a child it was obvious, to me at least, that D-FENS was a broken man who'd been breaking down long before everything stopped and he abandoned his car in traffic. Of course I

Even when discussing this with friends right after release, I’ve never really understood how some considered D-FENS even an anti-hero. Sympathetic at times, absolutely, but the movie tells you outright that his whole walk across LA was to murder his ex-wife and daughter. That tends to put a damper on a character’s

I was recently in line for breakfast at Wendy’s and had an employee flip the menus from breakfast to lunch after the person on the drive-thru speaker told me she’d get right back to me to take my order. Suddenly, it was no longer breakfast time. In an instant, ham and eggs and croissants and French toast sticks had

Definitely an underrated and more nuanced flick than online reactives give it credit for.

Now playing

One of my favorite movies. Love this scene in particular:

But the one you really want is the V8 is kinda horse shit.

Pretty sure the near-strike of rail workers was about more than sick leave, and this sort of thing was at least part of the problem.

I wonder if the content-makers are slowly realizing that they had a good thing going before, renting out their properties to Netflix for free money, and they blew it by trying to cut open the golden goose.