
tie fighter gang till i die, as a kid who was raised on NES, MS-DOS games that had to be loaded off of a stack of multiple 2.5" floppies that sometimes required a boot disk to run properly and original trilogy star wars movies, tie fighter and wing commander are S-tier games to me.

Luke, every year you make the same claim and every year I want to scream at you: TIE Fighter is superior to Dark Forces in every way. I will argue this until the day I die.

“How can I sit in a bar I made and chat to a load of friends from around he world and feel like I’m actually there ?”

“...this link has been identified by Twitter as being potentially Elon Musk’s fragile, fragile ego.

I think it’s great that instead of Musk asking someone who knew what they were doing to light a fire that could have kept him warm for the night, he decided to set himself on fire to stay warm for the rest of his life

“In some places, I could have you killed” is not the stable, benevolent flex you think it is, you deranged psychopath.

It’s so much worse than embezzlement. Embezzlement at least implies some intent or ability to try to hide the malfeasance. This was just morons getting money from morons to invest for morons. A human centipede of morons. As someone with decades of experience in finance and derivatives, it’s just so utterly

Max Payne was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

Now playing

I would add why this tool is still unfinished and how it can’t be just drag and drop, Nvidia’s video explain what it takes to use the tool, but basically (and hopefully someone writes it better) these games are not using the full potential because 1) You need to convert each texture to a PBR material or else they will

Right? It’s like ‘cool’, ‘neat’, ‘nice’, or ‘hot’, think that outfit is cold and/or warm? It’s well organized? It’s hospitable? We can add ‘it leaks liquids at a slow rate?’ to the list. Why can’t people just use the few specifically relevant words, remove all connotation, and just try to fit their more

Holocaust denying, using the N word, quoting Hitler, supporting Nazis, supporting domestic terrorism are all ok, a swastika is not ok. Musk is just reactionary and is driven purely by his emotions.

The point the left is pushing is that everyone deserves an equal chance for prosperity and happiness. The point the right is pushing is that Christian, chauvinist, white supremacy is desirable. These are not morally equivalent.

You’re not a lefty, you’re three conservatives in a trenchcoat.

Cool story, bro. Stop breathing the fumes up your own ass, and maybe you can have a discussion on something.

OH MY GOD YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT... They’re both so evil! The far right with their rampant nazi-ism and the Far left with... wanting equality and to not have people die for being gay or trans or having a different skin color other than lily white. God both sides are just so evil!

They also want forced gene injections

You’re welcome to go right back there with your bullshit bothsidesism.

Cool bruh, find me someone on the left who’s advocating for/praising genocide, or maybe who wants to torpedo our democratic/voting institutions, or maybe wants to strip women/LGBTQ+ people of their rights, and we’ll call it even.

Same as it ever was!

Bruh just get fucking vaccinated