
It doesn’t need to be said yet again, but Ye is demonstrably stupid. Hitler never invented a damn thing, never provided any benefit to society. Ye is confusing the probably Telefunken-made Neumann CMV-3 condenser mic clone as being “invented” by Hitler because, well he’s an idiot. Georg Neumann invented the “bottle

Damn, why didn’t we all just inherit emerald mine money so we could buy an existing company and sue the founders so they’d also have to legally call me a founder? Then we could claim the success of the company as our own and people on the internet would believe we pushed the industry ahead by a decade.

I swear to God, if I drop out of warp (or whatever we’re calling FTL here) and a ship doesn’t come out of nowhere and comms come up and they don’t say: “I’ve been looking for you. Got something I’m supposed to deliver - your hands only.”
It’s a wasted opportunity.

Good. For once a rich asshole faces the consequences of their own actions. I am literally ashamed of myself that at one time I had respect for this guy. It makes me truly wonder how his awful behavior was kept out of the public’s eye for so long. Because people don’t become assholes over night. He has probably always

This is the part of the equation no one talks about that really pisses me off. I’m very not a climate change denier, in fact, I feel we are at the point we need to start moving mountains pretty soon if we don’t want to be facilitating Earth’s next Great Die-Off. But I think we’ve put all our collective eggs in the EV

Two wrongs made a right.

Remind us which person is losing billions of dollars and how losing billions of dollars is considered successful.

What exactly is false & sensational?

Interesting, interesting. Please, do cite your sources as to how you arrived at that number. 

Wow, someone who knows even less about running Twitter than Elon. 

Until today I had never seen a photo of this Fried Bankman. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t a John Belushi Animal House lookalike. Who gave this dude money??

This is just the most visible manifestation of a much larger problem.

I totally agree. Disney is a corporation run by a board, and their job is to make money for the stockholders. That’s it. It isn’t to make people HAPPY at the park, unless that increases their bottom line, and people being unhappy isn’t having any real impact now. (Will it down the line? That’s debatable. Personally I

“highly anticipated”? By whom, exactly? I have heard of exactly zero interest in this movie apart from this website.

Fair bet that a lesser Hemsworth is considerably cheaper than Henry Cavill. It’s also possible that Cavill’s tired of it.

THIS should be the ExoMars Rover target. The chances of having a fresh hole dug like this for us is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Can this asshole please go away forever now ? Like be featured on a milk carton disappear and never be found go away.

Yes I did! I had it for several years and somewhere while moving it got lost.

A hole-in-one is rare enough that the dealership and country club felt comfortable gambling that nobody would manage to do it. Uh oh, somebody rolled snake eyes!