
It’s impressive but not the biggest:

Saw on another comment that the game stuck to the ceiling was added as an Easter egg to a later plants vs zombies game, which I thought was pretty cool.

Thank you—and thanks Mike, rest well, you made a lot of people happy. Truly Fahey was the best of us.

If you skipped to the comments please notice the GoFundMe link the editors posted at the end.

> Assassin’s Creed Mirage, previously codenamed “Rift,” is the follow-up to 2020's viking-themed Valhalla. Set in 9th entry Baghdad and originally planned as an expansion to Valhalla—

Odyssey had a pretty cool guided tour mode to really scratch that Greek virtual tourism itch. I think it might have even been a free standalone during the early days of covid but I don’t know if it still is.

Romania, about 20 miles from the hungarian border. My wife grew up here, and all her family is here, cost of living is laughable compared to the US (though like everywhere, it has gone up over the past decade)and the countryside is gorgeous. You can build a 2000 sq ft house on an acre of land for $40-$50,000, while

The only thing that the Covid pandemic did was accelerate the timeline to get where we are. And this isnt just the rail system. We have infrastructure crumbling around us. Texas, though unique with its power situtation since it is not part of the national grid STILL refuses to upgrade their facilities to protect

Nah, it’s not just the railways. It’s America that’s fucked. But what should we expect after leading the world’s climate crisis while ensuring citizens are under educated, underpaid and perpetually unhealthy leading to the current age of “sure everything is going to shit, but what about MY FEELINGS?!” taking priority

So back in college, I worked for a summer job at the Corps of Engineers, which I called the Corpse of Engineers, because that group was actually all accountants and the like.

I don’t like Bastion because when I was in university during a talent show some young guy took it onto himself to do a reading of the narration from the game (which no one there, particularly the professors, had played or was aware of) in abad southern drawl while his friend did interpretive dance and music played

Things like this are planned months in advance. I’m sure when he told the world that Twilight Garrison wasn’t coming back that he knew this new move was coming. So no, he didn’t give them what they wanted, it was already in the works, presumably. I hate social media. It allows the shittiest of people to get away with

Bingo. It’s the same with the drivers at the ports. They’ve been fucking these drivers for a long time too, I found a New York Times article from 2000 detailing this.

Now playing

Hmmm... this article is written in a voice that seems to fault California for protecting worker’s rights, rather than condemning the trucking companies that deliberately force drivers into working as contractors to avoid providing them livable wages or benefits.

Google tells me Walmarts claimed a net profit of 13.51 Billion last year, so like always, they can get fucked if they want to wine about $160 million in gas costs. It’s literally less than 1% of NET profits for fucks sake.

Fuck off and die, asshole.

Damn. You know nothing about me, know nothing about how or where I know nothing of value at all in regards to this conversation it seems. Yet you come in with such unjustified bravado and confidence in your jugements. There is a saying - if everyone you meet is an are the asshole. 

Yeah, let the jerks find out what 1.4 lbs difference in tire pressure for himself.

Hi, dev here. Time to share my sex tech history knowledge since they still haven’t made that a Jeopardy category.