
I feel like a lot of the anti-pill rhetoric is pushed by women who have had infertility problems and don’t understand what it’s like to really not want to be pregnant.

But this “draining of colour” business, as it enters the cultural conversation, becomes linked to a dangerous willingness to walk even further away from science, and to connect women with an inevitable and uncontrollable biological destiny.

I’ve suffered from endometriosis from my late teens — I can’t express the relief and freedom taking the Pill granted me. (I know there’s more than one “formula”.) I can’t imagine anything less vibrant than being doubled over several days a month.

hmm, nah.

There was a local NC radio show that his previous personal assistant called into one morning and basically outed him. The assistant shared that his wife doesn’t even live in the same house as him. He hates gays because he most likely is one and that would damage his ability to sell “love stories” set in pretty coastal

Such a try-hard.

I think Miley never liked hip-hop, she liked the money from dabbling in the genre.

DJ Khaled doesn't like going down on anything, and that includes the Billboard charts. 

This episode was as sly as a sledgehammer. One of the worst Black Mirror episodes ever, worthy of the above word salad.

They opened her head and the whole medical teamed gasped and took a step back, but they never told the audience what they saw, and then they just dropped it. So annoying! They probably did film an explanation but decided to cut it. So why not cut the gasp-scene too? It made no sense without follow up

I love Music and Lyrics, which is technically a rom-com, and yet very different from his floppy-haired days.

Loved her in “Winter’s Bone”. Just sayin’.

I have to agree she was great in the Hunger Games and great in Winters Bone. She really needs to go the Reese Witherspoon route and produce her own movies. 

Hard disagree. The folks behind Fyre Fest sold stuff to attendees that they knew they didn’t have to sell (like beach house accommodations), and kept trying to pump attendees for money (by contacting them with VIP offers and sending out emails encouraging them to load money onto wristbands for use at a festival) even a

I love Japan and Japanese culture, but I could never work in a Japanese office. This is just one aspect of it, but safe to say the expectations are much higher and stiffer (for both genders) compared to the US, and not just in terms of dress code. There’s also the matter of hours worked - work/life balance is

The Departed I think?

Yeah, we’ll I hope they don’t ruin it. The US version costumes were great, but I bet the production value costs won’t last! Versus the OG Korean ones with skimasks & deco!

I mean was a little funny, and I have a ridiculous name also.

In my opinion these sorts of things churn out little automatons who are hard-wired to memorize lots and lots of things but who cannot, for the life of them, critically appraise or synthesize information. Then I get to teach them in medical school.

I think of it this way: which skills are you willing to surrender to technology? Rarely will you not have access to spell check and dictionaries, but you might also be giving up thorough knowledge of how language works and a certain degree of literacy. If you’re comfortable with that, fine. Same with calculators, GPS,