
Lol. My wife works in fashion. She was fired a few days before she told her boss she was pregnant, but the signs had been pretty obvious. We did not sue because fashion is a very small world and her employer was a big name.

Listen, the fashion show and the catalog are for straight men. The underwear is made to please men too, not for a woman’s practicality and comfort. If the company doesn’t get that, then they’re super duper dumb. Casting a trans woman in the fashion show is not going to get more women to watch. I mean, maybe it will a

It’s hard for me to take the ‘everyman amongst coastal elites’ whine seriously from someone whose parents are worth a combined $215 million.

I think you need to do some more reading on surrogacy before posting again. “It’s not intended to be a primary source of income” is what people say about jobs at McDonald’s, too. There’s a reason many developing countries have banned surrogacy, for starters. I don’t think speaking about surrogacy like it’s limited to

I’m concerned (not hand-wringingly so) about both the compensation and the systemic reasons why a woman would choose to become a surrogate. As in, would they make different choices if there were other viable income options that paid livable wages? 

I never wanted kids so the lengths that people will go to have a biological child is mind-boggling to me. My issue is primarily with the compensation side of surrogacy. Surrogates are putting their lives at risk carrying a child for someone else. A measly 45K (and that’s on the high end) doesn’t even begin to cover

Seriously, the woman’s body is basically working all the time 24/7 for 9+ months.  $45K is not enough and the Wests certainly could have afforded more.

I’m not sure I would call exploitation, but all the risks were mainly taken by the mother.” - I think that would fit many peoples idea of what exploitation is.

They only had to pay $45,000 for a surrogate?? Women only get paid that little amount for intentionally carrying someone else child?? It should be no less than 6 figures. Thats insane. 

He speaks fluent English and made an "ugly" face. It's pretty clear what he meant. 

He was talking about the way her face would look. That’s pretty clear.

....No, because they’re men and celebrities, with close ties to people high up in government and business and the police.

I just want to note that the supposed “granny panties” in the linked article are all hiked up such that butt cheeks are coming out the bottom of them, making them look rather less comfortable than a thong.

How do they stay put? What do they hang onto? How can you be 150% sure they won’t drop out of your underwear and onto the ground when you’re talking to your crush? 

Like most suggestible teens in the early 2000's, I purchased and owned several brightly coloured thongs from The Mall’s lingerie store. I wore each of them approximately 3 times, tops. I just don’t like them! Sometimes, I consider buying a more grown-up version for wearing under dresses that are tight around the butt

If I wanted to have a wedgie all day, I would wear thongs. As it stands, I do own thongs, and I exclusively wear them under catsuits. Even then, I’ve found that seamless rayon granny panties are just as effective when it comes to avoiding pantylines and don’t leave me feeling the constant urge to pull my underwear out

I’ve seen a story or two like this before, and as someone who works everyday to get people *out* of custody, it is utterly baffling and not at all cute.

The problem is that Biden can’t seem to tell the difference, despite having had a front row seat to that intransigence. He seems to think the Republicans will suddenly change their tune and work with him.

Compromise is not possible in the current environment of conservative fear and baiting of white people scared of becoming a minority in the future.

I came here for this. Thank you!