
NBC actually made a fake blog back in the day with Creed thoughts

I’m assuming because it sounds similar to yogurt. I mean when I say yogurt in Korean, it sounds like “yogult” my grandma knows it’s some milky fermented product. But there’s worse ever seen the japanese beverage “Sweat” (like a Gatorade drink)

Besides the whole scandal. It is a well made movie. Robbie and Janice gives it up too. Also just watch it for the pure fact that everything absurd is word for word true they even show the interviews of everyone like Tonya’s body guard saying *He was some CIA operative and belonged to a secret society” I really thought

That’s good because I can’t take anymore scenes of Franco playing “Twin brothers” as in double screen time because one brothers a bar owner and the other a brothel owner/idiot.

Honey, I got my own alley to piss in. You do you

All of it. I also bathe myself in it like a Koolaide jacuzzi only only with electrolytes and rage. Some days on a seedy Saturday night I take a good Cool Bluehaterade douche it and go to malls to yell at the Youngins and hate watch Netflix shows

Oh ok well then I recommend Fox News that’s down more of your alley.

user name checks out. Good for you bro/s

Unpopular opinion but I’m super bored by them and hate the whole “Life Style Blogging” thing especially from wealthy women. Christy Teigan seems wonderful but she is super in your face about how lovely her whole life is and the way she does it even though it is basically all from her and Legend’s wealth. I understand

I’m pretty certain if it wasn’t for Sandy efforts, Christie would have not gotten the vote. After that storm though NJ was desperate and Christie actually did his job so people voted. So happy he is done though. I am waiting on that sweet legal weed and the tax monies it will provide.

Bob’s Burger?

I met my boyfriend and a lot of my current friends on, a website to find friends and common interest groups. But the one group i met my friends through was one group run by this woman who shelled out all these MLM groups while running the group with people who were trying to find friends. She would “invite”

So sexy it hurts!

I love black/Muted color clothing!!

Overall yes, but economically for societies like Japan or South Korea not so much, with fewer births there will be less and less working adults and more retirees. This is a trend which seems to be catching on as more countries advance enconmically and more adults like us feel that it is more of a burden to have

Aren’t does “Vibrator Tupperware parties” a very highly disguised pyramid scheme? I am pretty sure I saw them on “Penn and Tellers’s Bullshit” also spoofed on Bob’s Burgers

Maybe it has to do with the declining birth rate? If fewer people get married fewer people raise children. Of course people raise children outside of marriage such as single parents and there are child free marriages but the norm is within marriage is followed up with kids. And with declining birth rate the population

it was her choice to wear a pair of 4,000 dollar shoes which is very likely to be taken if its that popular, when most homes have a rule of taking off your shoes which is common. I will judge the hell out of that person for thinking a 4000 pair of shoes should be worn at a casual party at someones house when again

I’m not going to lie if those were ever to be published I would read the shit out of those scrapbooks.

I’m all for being single and not shaming anyone for it but if you buy something THAT expensive why wear it out in the first place unless you know for sure it is going to be on you 24 /7. I get she didnt know it was a shoes off type apartment or house but fuck when i assume it is someones house I assume a “Shoes off”